
404 【英語でガチって】 ウィーアーダウト村2 【ボロ雑巾★】

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新



Agent Smith は Alien Shirogane に投票した。
Drunkard Mr.Heart は Alien Shirogane に投票した。
Shepherdess Katharina は Alien Shirogane に投票した。
Village-chief Kold は Alien Shirogane に投票した。
GOKU は Alien Shirogane に投票した。
Alien Shirogane は Agent Smith に投票した。
Founder Meial は Alien Shirogane に投票した。
Little-girl Coppelia は Alien Shirogane に投票した。
Maid Synthia は Alien Shirogane に投票した。

Alien Shirogane は村人達の手により処刑された。

Founder Meial は、GOKU を占った。

【赤】 Agent Smith

Village-chief Kold! 今日がお前の命日だ!

2009/11/23(月) 06:00:00

Maid Synthia は、Founder Meial を守っている。

次の日の朝、Village-chief Kold が無残な姿で発見された。

《★占》 GOKU は 人間 のようだ。

現在の生存者は、Agent Smith、Drunkard Mr.Heart、Shepherdess Katharina、GOKU、Founder Meial、Little-girl Coppelia、Maid Synthia の 7 名。

【墓】 Fruiterer JosephJohnCole


( +0 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:01:04

Agent Smithは、GOKU を能力(襲う)の対象に選びました。

【赤】 Agent Smith



( *0 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:04:00

【墓】 Fruiterer JosephJohnCole



( +1 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:04:26

Founder Meial

i got one answer from my god....

【GOKU is human】

and this result display that
last wolf lived in Smith,Katharina,Coppelia,Synthia.

i have to read everything.

( 0 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:05:07

【赤】 Agent Smith


( *1 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:06:45

【墓】 Fruiterer JosephJohnCole



( +2 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:09:00

【赤】 Agent Smith



( *2 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:09:50

Founder Meial

i seemed to keep working and was good.
but i still found last wolf.
i absolutely finds it.

today's attack said "Mr Kold was Possess".
it seems to have been different from my imagination.

wolfs hoped that strategy of 2-2...?!
was there confidence not foreseen?
it is necessary to think about the image of the wolf.

( 1 ) 2009/11/23(月) 06:13:59

Agent Smith

Good morning, everyone.
Kold was attacked!
Shirogane and Kold R.I.P.

I confirmed single white judge to GOKU.

( 2 ) 2009/11/23(月) 07:50:35

【赤】 Agent Smith


( *3 ) 2009/11/23(月) 07:57:44

Founder Meial

sorry,i could not speak a lot yesterday.

It says honestly.
In today's result, i was no surprise there.

i think understood exeryone.
the possibility that everyone doubted him was high.
However, refreshingly by today's result.

i gave understand in having ever seen everyone's idea.
I will carefully especially read your word today.

( 3 ) 2009/11/23(月) 08:10:12

Founder Meial

i'll go to bed..sometime

i say "good night"(?)

( 4 ) 2009/11/23(月) 08:11:30

【墓】 Alien Shirogane


( +3 ) 2009/11/23(月) 08:24:52

【墓】 Alien Shirogane




( +4 ) 2009/11/23(月) 08:51:47

【墓】 Alien Shirogane




( +5 ) 2009/11/23(月) 08:58:19

【墓】 Alien Shirogane






( +6 ) 2009/11/23(月) 09:04:15

Drunkard Mr.Heart


■1.About Seer/ess, Mediums
■2.About Gray(and single white GOKU)
■3.Today's ●▼
■4.Who do you think will remain on the Last Day?

( 5 ) 2009/11/23(月) 09:04:27

【墓】 Alien Shirogane




( +7 ) 2009/11/23(月) 09:09:55

【墓】 Village-chief Kold


( +8 ) 2009/11/23(月) 09:14:04

【墓】 Alien Shirogane





( +9 ) 2009/11/23(月) 09:20:40

【墓】 Alien Shirogane




( +10 ) 2009/11/23(月) 09:23:44

【墓】 Village-chief Kold




( +11 ) 2009/11/23(月) 09:34:07

【墓】 Alien Shirogane



( +12 ) 2009/11/23(月) 10:15:12


single white ヽ(`Д´)ノ !

( 6 ) 2009/11/23(月) 11:23:24

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +13 ) 2009/11/23(月) 12:05:44

【墓】 Playboy Vaid



( +14 ) 2009/11/23(月) 12:08:58

【墓】 Alien Shirogane


( +15 ) 2009/11/23(月) 12:38:22

【独】 Alien Shirogane



( -0 ) 2009/11/23(月) 12:41:46

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +16 ) 2009/11/23(月) 12:47:42

Agent Smith

Good afternoon.

We have 3 ropes. I consider we have 3 ways about Meial.

1) ▼Meial -> ▼Gray -> ▼Gray
If we don't believe Meial, this way is basic.
One wolf and possess surely go to grave.
Last wolf is remaining. We hang last wolf by two ropes.

2) ▼Gray●Gray -> ▼Gray -> ▼Gray
If we believe Meial, we can gray roller by rope and prophesy.
If Meial is true, village will win.
If Meial is wolf, village will lose.
If Meial is possess, village will win/lose based on last wolf's judgement
or village will when last wolf is hanged directly.

( 7 ) 2009/11/23(月) 12:50:15

Agent Smith

3) ▼Gray●Gray -> ▼Meial -> ▼Gray
Even if we don't believe Meial, we can see one more prophesy results.

But we don't have enough rope to hang Meial's black without conclusion.
If we have 4 ropes, we can hang her black.
If village is continued she becomes fixed pretender and after hanging her last rope is used to last wolf.

Now we have 3 ropes.
If we hang her black or don't hang her white in final day, it means that we conclude she is true.
In this case we don't need hang her tomorrow.
If we hang her white or don't hang her black in final day, it means that we conclude she is not true.
In this case we don't need her prophesy. We hang her today.

( 8 ) 2009/11/23(月) 12:52:07

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +17 ) 2009/11/23(月) 13:02:59

Agent Smith

The majority opinion of the village is that seer is true/wolf?
If so we take 1). No other selection.

As I mentioned from 2nd day, I consider she is true≧possess>wolf.
I hope to take 3).
The merit is more information about her and gray can be acquired.
The demerit is her prophesy result will be noise without any conclusion, especially if she is wolf.
After gray hanging and prophesy we will make some conclusion.

I consider Meial is human and today's judge is correct, GOKU is white.
Even if Meial is possess, if we hang last wolf taday, village will win.

( 9 ) 2009/11/23(月) 13:49:55

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +18 ) 2009/11/23(月) 14:44:14

【墓】 Alien Shirogane





( +19 ) 2009/11/23(月) 14:44:18

【墓】 Alien Shirogane


( +20 ) 2009/11/23(月) 14:49:52

【墓】 Alien Shirogane



( +21 ) 2009/11/23(月) 14:53:03

Traveler Nicholas、Alien Shirogane入れ違いー><;

( a0 ) 2009/11/23(月) 14:57:08

【墓】 Traveler Nicholas






( +22 ) 2009/11/23(月) 15:13:55

【墓】 Traveler Nicholas





( +23 ) 2009/11/23(月) 15:19:36

Traveler Nicholas、Alien Shiroganeを膝に乗せてなでなでなで。 にゃんこ大好き可愛い可愛いです。…

( a1 ) 2009/11/23(月) 15:22:24

Traveler Nicholas、鳩だと状況が読めないな。起きたばかりなので;色々やってきます。では、また…

( a2 ) 2009/11/23(月) 15:25:51

Maid Synthia


【 I confirmed Mr.Kold's attack and Mr.GOKU's single white. 】
hmmm...simple white. Ok.
but >>6 is a little pretty w

And here is today's meal. Please eat, if you like.
[Royal milk tea(assam)][scone(plain, choko chip, almond)]
[wiskey][fish and chips][mix nuts][green salad]

( 10 ) 2009/11/23(月) 16:09:11

Maid Synthia

>>2:140 Mr.Smith
?? Why do you talk as if I knew her white?
As you said in >>2:43, if Miss Alicia was wolf, village's win was maybe fixed.
So it is no use to afraid it.
In that situation, what we should consider about was the case of her white, wasn't it?

I don't understand why do you insist in this point.

( 11 ) 2009/11/23(月) 16:20:51

Maid Synthia

>>141 Mr. Smith
Thank you answer.

[about 1.]
I understand it.
But then, ★why do you think it's easier to be logical than feeling or white?

[about 2.]
It's my reason. not your reason...
I can understand it. but from your answer ...unn, I had bad impression.
From her style and speech, I think her white now.
But categorizing her as white wolf... I don't agree with it.

( 12 ) 2009/11/23(月) 16:47:58

【独】 Traveler Nicholas

I wish Shirogane recovers soon.

.....But I can't blanket her with mantle.

( -1 ) 2009/11/23(月) 16:54:56

Maid Synthia

>>142 Mr.Smith
Thank you for your answer.

but..."it was not clear that wolf pretends seer or not."
→it's OK.
But in this village, CO started from Mediums.
If possess pretends a medium positively, wolves needs to pretend seer, for avoiding fixed-seer.
In other words, it can be thought that, from 2 medium COs, wolves can understand their member.

so I became to doubt wolf-pretender is in seers(Miss Meial?).
★How do you think about this point?

( 13 ) 2009/11/23(月) 17:04:56

Maid Synthia

....Writing >>13, I noticed...
possibly, why Miss Alien doubted Miss Katharina was from this point??
from this assumption, she(it?) doubt Miss Katharina's confirmation (not slide) ?
oh... now I understand it, maybe... sorry orz

( 14 ) 2009/11/23(月) 17:10:23

【墓】 Attendant Hattie



( +24 ) 2009/11/23(月) 17:12:40

【墓】 Attendant Hattie


( +25 ) 2009/11/23(月) 17:15:55

Maid Synthia

so, according to >>8,
I agree with 3).

in this gray, everybody have white point.
It's difficult to think about them without hints...
so I want to get some factors from Miss Meial's judge.

But I'm also doubting Miss Meial as wolf.
Hunging her tomorrow, I think, it's absolute,

( 15 ) 2009/11/23(月) 17:19:16

Maid Synthia、oh, it's my turn! but I have a rest... see you.

( A0 ) 2009/11/23(月) 17:20:10

Maid Synthia

Σ oh no, mistake!

ah-...saying >>13, but it's not abusolutely.
I'm still doubting wolf pretended medium.

↑it is on head of >>15

( 16 ) 2009/11/23(月) 17:28:00

【墓】 Alien Shirogane



( +26 ) 2009/11/23(月) 18:26:31

【墓】 Alien Shirogane




( +27 ) 2009/11/23(月) 18:31:02

【墓】 Alien Shirogane



( +28 ) 2009/11/23(月) 18:34:31

Alien Shirogane、Traveler Nicholasの膝でゴロゴロした。

( a3 ) 2009/11/23(月) 18:36:03

Agent Smith

Good evening.
>>10 Thank you, I take scone and tea.

I found big question, why Kold was attacked.
If seer/seeress is not attacked, probably we start seer roller. Trust of seer is Meial ≧ Kold.
This means if Kold is not attacked this morning, he is hanged today.
Why does wolf need to attack Kold?

( 17 ) 2009/11/23(月) 18:38:25

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +29 ) 2009/11/23(月) 18:40:09

Alien Shirogane、Playboy Vaidに猫punch!

( a4 ) 2009/11/23(月) 18:54:03

Agent Smith

I consider the answer of >>17.
1. GOKU is wolf.
2. Let villagers consider that GOKU is wolf and use a rope to him.
3. Destroy prophesy function simply.
4. Wolf don't consider seer roller is started.

1. is OK, enough as the reason.
2. is weak as the reason because the number of rope is the same.
3. is weak as the reason because today villagers destroy prophesy function by hanging.
4. is difficult. If kold is not attack and today we hang gray, we need to conclude seer's true/not true. we can't roller of seer.
Because villager trust Meial more than Kold, if Meial is wolf it is OK for wolf.

( 18 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:04:33

Playboy Vaid、Alien Shiroganeの猫punchをひらりとかわした

( a5 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:08:50

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +30 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:11:05

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +31 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:13:15

Founder Meial

Smith >>17
i think GOKU not fixed as white.

GOKU not fixed as white.

As a result,Because they can go it like doubting GOKU to the last minute when everyone doesn't believe me.

( 19 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:14:51

Shepherdess Katharina

Sorry, I'm late.

【I confirmed Kold was attacked, and GOKU's half white】

Kold and Shirogane, rest in peace.

And I am slow, I couldn't check all remarks yesterday.
I have to started from yesterday's log.

Meial gave me some questions...?

( 20 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:20:00

Agent Smith

5. Seers are true and possess. Wolf considers Kold is true or attacking Kold causes to Meial hanging.
The possibility of hunter's guard of Meial is higher than Kold. So Kold is attacked.
I think this is proper answer.

( 21 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:20:21

Shepherdess Katharina

By intuition, I think (or think) bellow,

I haven't got the reply either two person I doubt.
(Nicholas and Kold)
Yesterday I thought that I would judge him with his reply to me, but now I have to decide without it whether his suspecious opinion came from actual misunderstanding, or he just pretended to misunderstand.
I can't get new more information from Kold,
so naturally I can't deny my doubt to him.
He seems black and a possess sepalately.

Today I will see Meial well, and think whether I (we) can decide him true.
If we can, we can use 3 ropes for 4 grays. (from my viewpoint, gray-roller).

Today's attack has a big advantage that the situation of hunter CO is not changed.
If Alicia is not the hunter, the hunter is alive now.

( 22 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:23:09

Shepherdess Katharina、let's dive into the log......!

( A1 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:23:33

Shepherdess Katharina


ヽ(`Д´)ノ ! is cute www

Please explain me your feeling in the words, not in the picture.

( 23 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:27:29

Agent Smith

Meial >>19

Please check my >>18.
GOKU is not fixed white, of course.
If we doubt GOKU and hang him, remaining rope is two.
If we hang Kold, remaining rope is also two.
I think this is not the merit for wolf.

( 24 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:28:55

Shepherdess Katharina


×(or think)
○ (or feel)

( 25 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:39:42

Drunkard Mr.Heart

I am thinking of making decision time earlier.
Maybe around...【First 2230】?

I think free-style talking may be better at this point.
Although, people who need agenda to speak may use mine.

( 26 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:41:10

Shepherdess Katharina

>Mr. Heart >>26

Very hard ! ww But I will try...

By the way, it is too late , but I thank you to give me encouragement and good advice to my long sentences.

Thank you so much.

( 27 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:46:07

【独】 Drunkard Mr.Heart

Logical, and talkative. Yet, many are tactical chat.

( -2 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:49:40

Shepherdess Katharina

>Meial >>3:160

Is this all of your questions to me?

Answer. Please see >>3:86 >>3:88 >>3:102
Those are just the answer.
In those, I explained Synthia about my thinking of 1st ● hope.
I mean when I selected ● and ○ from Synthia, Alicia, and Coppelia, the difference of three was small.
You can see how small the difference was in my remarks.

( 28 ) 2009/11/23(月) 19:56:27

Shepherdess Katharina

>Meial >>3:160

>you think a importantis get 2 GJ?
>i think lived me.because can use prophesy gray person.

Sorry, I can't get the point of your question.
(can't understand your sentences. espacially, "i think lived me")

You mean, you want to know whether I hope the hunter to get 2 GJ?
....Answer. I think 2 GJ is very, very good because we can get another rope.
But it is difficult.
One GJ is rather good if the hunter get it by guarding a seer.
But in this case, the number of rope isn't increased.
And even without 1 GJ, wolves often leave 4 people on the final day.

( 29 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:09:17

Agent Smith

Synthia >>11
Considering worst case is OK. I didn't say such a thing.

Please read your >>2:159. You said that hanging of Alicia is the loss of the rope.
So I mentioned that loss of the rope is not fixed matter.

( 30 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:12:28

Shepherdess Katharina


×by guarding a seer
○by guarding a seer or other grays

( 31 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:15:32

Shepherdess Katharina

I trid to consider about our procedure today,
but I found that Smith have already explained it. >>7>>8 nothing additional.

( 32 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:22:42

Fruiterer JosephJohnCole、Alien Shiroganeの前で猫じゃらしを振っている。

( a6 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:28:13

Agent Smith

Synthia >>12
Feeling or freedom is difficult to wolf who have to survive.
Without any considering, speak based only on feeling is sometimes danger.

It is easyer for wolf who wants to make scapegoats that make questions and receive the answer and say "I understand, but bad impression."

( 33 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:33:02

【独】 Maid Synthia


( -3 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:36:26

【独】 Maid Synthia


( -4 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:37:39

Shepherdess Katharina


I'm sorry all my questions are "sorry, I can't get the point"
I'm very sorry for my poor understanding.
I thought I could understand you. but for complete checking, I want to ask.
But if it take you too much time, please skip it later.

"Man who has this idea", What is "this idea" ?

"it's become alicia's true colors is not understand.embarrassed it"

( 34 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:46:08

Agent Smith

Synthia >>13
My >>3:142 was not correct expression.
"it was not clear that wolf considers to pretend seer or not."

Wolf pretends medium and possess consider it is the message from wolf "pretending seer is your job".
I think this is normal.

Possess pretends medium and send to wolf the message "do you considering double concealing? but pretend seer".
I think this is rare.

I don't deny. I only say which possibility is higher.

( 35 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:48:46

Maid Synthia

>>30 Mr. Smith
yes, yes, but it's "IF" story based on considering worst pattern.
that all.

>>33 Mr. Smith
It can be understood.

Simply, do you doubt me?

( 36 ) 2009/11/23(月) 20:59:18

Shepherdess Katharina


He is the most white for me.
From 1st day, his proper seemed all correct and proper.

On first day, I thought,
"His procedure is correst, but talking correct theory or procedure can be done by even a wolf. Actually he seemed to have high level of finding wolves. If I don't feel his will to find wolves from tomorrow, he might be a wolf."

But I think he has searched wolves from second day.

Moreover, as I said >>2:128, I felt him very white from >>2:125.

So I don't want to use ●▼ even if whichever procedure will be selected tonight.

( 37 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:01:42

Maid Synthia

Add to it,

Seers are true and possess. Wolf considers Kold is true
→"Seer are true and wolf, wolf knows Kold is true"

It can also be considered, I think.
anyway, I think 5 is most reasonable, too.

( 38 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:03:08

【独】 Maid Synthia



( -5 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:04:39

Little-girl Coppelia

Oh,Was Kold attacked?
Timing is unexpected.

( 39 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:06:10

Shepherdess Katharina


He has got white from Meial.
Hanging him has the same meaning to decide Meial as sham.
So we had rather hang Meial thatn hang GOKU.

Actually I feel Meial is more true than Kold, so GOKU might be white.

( 40 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:07:19

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia


( -6 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:09:09

Shepherdess Katharina



×his proper seemed all correct and proper
○his remarks seemed all correct and proper

( 41 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:09:10

Maid Synthia

Hello, Coppelia.

Why do you think >>39 ?
If you can, I want to hear your expectation of today's attack.

( 42 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:09:39

Maid Synthia

>>40 Miss Katharina
"So we had rather hang Meial than hang GOKU."
If Miss. Meial is wolf, she can judge Mr. GOKU white.

( 43 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:13:16

Founder Meial

The blind spot was found to my thinking.
i think Katarina's white point.It was the absolute one in me.
do not accord medium's co timing When Katarina is a wolf.

this thinking is must KOLD is wolf.
i think lightly about Katarina's position.
it seems to have to think more deeply.

( 44 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:13:53

Little-girl Coppelia

I think that GOKU is white of this attack.
If Kold is not the truth, it is dangerous.
(If Meial is wolf,excludes it.)

( 45 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:15:36

Little-girl Coppelia

If I am a wolf, it has not done any longer if he is not attacked first.
If I cheaked.
I cannot read wolf's character.

( 46 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:19:44

Maid Synthia

>>35 Mr. Smith
ok, your opinion, I understand it.
But I think your rare case is near to true.
Miss Alicia also said so. (anchor... I'll present if you need.)

If it's my mistake, please excuse me.
I think you miss out "if Miss Meial is wolf" case.

( 47 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:20:14

Shepherdess Katharina


About Coppelia, I permit the natural style is like humen, but I oppose that "easy to read" style is human.
That just come from the compatibility of English sense by two people.

( 48 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:20:39

Founder Meial

Katharina >>34
at first question.
the idea is "Possess CO is medium. wolf could not help doing CO of the Seer."
but this thinking was not a reality and it became today's attack.
and secound...
perhaps, hanging for medium that day.and i feel that think have everyone,aren't you?

( 49 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:22:09

【墓】 Village-chief Kold



( +32 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:22:15

Little-girl Coppelia

I thought that today's attack is the hunter aim .

( 50 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:24:29

Maid Synthia

>>46 Coppelia
I see. I agree with it.
Thank you for your answer.

( 51 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:25:57

Maid Synthia

>>50 in other words, that's gray attack?
It can be also agreed.

( 52 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:28:03

Founder Meial

Katharina >>48
I think that "easy to read" and "natural style" are different.
if you say true.
the style like GOKU is white.
how do you think that.
i can't think so.

( 53 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:28:08

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia


( -7 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:29:05

Shepherdess Katharina

>Synthia >>43

>If Miss. Meial is wolf, she can judge Mr. GOKU white.

That's the reason.
When we hang GOKU, we decide he is a wolf. At that time, Meial must be a possess or a wolf. We have to hang him sooner or later.

But, as you said, there is a possibility that Meial is a wolf's side and GOKU is white.
So, Meial should be hung before GOKU.

( 54 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:32:05

Little-girl Coppelia

In 2-2 of 11 people village,there is room of the gray attack.

( 55 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:32:34

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia



( -8 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:33:32

Shepherdess Katharina

>Meial >>53
I'm sorry I was confused.
I thought that you said about Coppelia.
(Why www Coppelia is a girl !)

I wonder we don't understand each other just by our English communication.

( 56 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:36:01

Maid Synthia


( Д)   ゚゚

i, I understand it now.... soooorryyyyyy orz

( 57 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:36:11

Shepherdess Katharina


I don't think GOKU's style white at all.
I can't judge him from his remarks at all.
Neither black or white, just can't judge.

I can't understand the people who can feel GOKU white.
How can they believe the person who haven't submitted ●▼ hope?

( 58 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:40:27

Little-girl Coppelia


Synthia's eye get!

( 59 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:40:50

【独】 Maid Synthia

         j';;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ス  目が、目がぁーーー
        l':::::r',l,.,っ:;-;:::;:(゙ 、;、
         l:l'j -' l/,''-ァ- y lぃ
.         ゙l   ′' /j''゙l  ,l'  ,.-、
.       ,.......゙,   ,''ニ__;.l   ゙y 〉::::::`:::::-::、  
      /::::ヾ 、 ,ィ'゙-- ' ,゙-、 / /::::::::::::::::::::::::`:::-
     /:::::::::::::::,ィ゙ - 、=,ッ''l:::゙、ケ入::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
   r'ス::::::::::::::::::/:l゙ -ッ=---、:::::゙l,;;;;;;;;` -、::::::::::::::::::::
  ,l'::::::::::::::::::::/:::::::゙、,j::::::'.:ヾ.:.:.`.、:::::` :y;;;;;;;`::-、:::::::

( -9 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:46:54

Little-girl Coppelia

■1.About Seer/ess, Mediums
I thought that Meial is the truth if she was attacked.
But Kold was attacked.
It is a difficult attack.

( 60 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:47:17

Maid Synthia、my eyes, eyes-----!! (AA ry

( A2 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:47:29

【独】 Shepherdess Katharina


( -10 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:48:55

Agent Smith

Synthia >>36
Of course I doubt you!
If Katharina, Coppelia and GOKU are white, you are wolf!
Frankly saying, I don't think you are so black. But excepting you who is the last wolf, I think.
Now I'm researching about Coppelia.

Synthia >>38 >>47
Yes. I don't conclude Meial is human. Only consider the possibilities.
I don't consider to take 2) of >>7.

( 61 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:52:20

Little-girl Coppelia

■4.Who do you think will remain on the Last Day?
Katharina,Meial,Coppelia,and Synthia
My heaven.

It's a joke.
4dSmith,Mr.Heart,Katharina,GOKU,Meial,Coppelia,Synthia▼Meial▲Hunter aim gray attack? Mr.Heart is GJ danger.

( 62 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:52:58

Little-girl Coppelia

5d gray,gray,gray,GOKU,Mr.heart▼gray▲GOKUorMr.heart
6d gray VS gray
Love love gray-fight!

If i'm wolf,I wish.

( 63 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:55:03

Shepherdess Katharina


How do you think about Shirogane?

You said Nicholas showed posture for the village >>3:0(I don't oppose it), but Shirogane didn't do it?
I think she also did.

( 64 ) 2009/11/23(月) 21:59:45

【削除】 Little-girl Coppelia

I think that Meial is made to survive her today and killing tomorrow.
Is it slightness?

2009/11/23(月) 22:00:27

Little-girl Coppelia

I think that Meial is made to survive her today and killing tomorrow.

( 65 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:00:41

Little-girl Coppelia

>>8 is same.
I am fool! w


( 66 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:01:57

【赤】 Agent Smith

>>51 凄いにゃ、なんで分かるにゃ。

にゃ〜 ごろごろ

( *4 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:04:43

Maid Synthia

>>61 Mr. Smith
Of course... orz

But it can be because of my mistake...
Your doubt, I can also understand it.
It's no use for doubting me. ><

sorry, I was a little nervous.

aaaann I hate my poor English and thinking skill!

( 67 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:04:58

Shepherdess Katharina


I am glad that you think me white. But the reason is only that I suggest to conceal the seers till first vote?
Is it so important for you ?
(Actually your such style is your white point for me, but I want to confirm)

If you find something about me, I want to know.

( 68 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:08:10

Little-girl Coppelia

When Meial will put out a black judgment as a pretender tomorrow, it will become a noise.
However, if the black is hung , it is understood whether she is true.

( 69 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:08:23

Little-girl Coppelia

1 is danger for GOKU.
I think >>45.

( 70 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:11:59

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia


( -11 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:14:05

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia


( -12 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:14:29

Founder Meial

From here to speaking by my aspect.

thr first wolf was die.
chances detail is "7>5>3"
chance is two times.
i hope ▼gray and ●gray today. as a result,ikely to find it at the probability of 50%.
but we have current element.the possibility of ending today or tomorrow is high.

there is attack thinking.
everyone think that also... i am a wolf.
if i am wolf,i attacked other today and i show black juedge for GOKU and i will be hanged.
"why Kold attacked today".
i think the answer
it means wolf wanted to strengthen the doubt to me and avoided hunter's guard.

i feel that from attack thinking.
wolf is necessary to induce it to suspect me who takes the action.
the answer is Katharia or Smith.
but Smith's behavior is indirect and his answer is >>21.

( 71 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:18:06

Founder Meial

became, i am most strongly suspecting Katharina.

( 72 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:18:12

Maid Synthia

pusu pusu pusu .... (x_x)

[Mr. GOKU]
hmmm... Mr. GOKU, GOKU...
I expect he is white...
because of Miss Meial's credit, because his freedom isn't change.
If he is wolf, how he get by such a behavior?
But I want to hear his opinion. Please be courage!

( 73 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:18:15

Little-girl Coppelia

Wait a minute!

( 74 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:18:24

Maid Synthia

She is still natural.
For example, >>63 "If i'm wolf," is no use, but natural.
She has original ideas.

hmm... but, sometimes she says "I love gray-battle", she doesn't doubt grays definitely yet?
It's her a little doubt point.

( 75 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:19:09

Agent Smith

Coppeli >>69 "it is understood whether she is true"

Please read my >>8 carefully.
We can know it in epirogue, wolfs win.

( 76 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:19:37

Shepherdess Katharina

>Meial >>49

S, Sorry....... I ....can't ......


Now I'm thinking......

( 77 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:20:16

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia

I am suspecting Smith now.
He thinks about a lot of patterns.
However, it is not deeply thought.
It's only a surface.
It's black though I thought this to be his character until today.
Especially, I thought it was black because I saw him speak GOKU today.

( -13 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:24:14

Little-girl Coppelia

I have already read.

( 78 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:25:32

Founder Meial

Katharina >>77
can you taken the neck?!

( 79 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:25:38

Maid Synthia

[Mr. Smith]
I think, he insists on it a little.
From >>61, It looks me that he searching another scapegoat, without inspecting whether the doubt for me is correct.
I can't think of him flat now... sorry.
But another side of him, try to inspect gray, I feel sympathy with this attitude.

His doubt is really correct? I don't know...
I want to prophesy or hang him, today.

( 80 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:27:41

【削除】 Little-girl Coppelia

I love Gray-fight is the last day.
I contemplate it till then.
Because there are only one person wolf in the ash.

2009/11/23(月) 22:28:03

【墓】 Alien Shirogane



( +33 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:29:52

Founder Meial

Katharina >>64
i though it did not think about shirogane.

i feel Shirogane have not avility.
"she is wolf" derived from today's attack.
my think detail's from >>3:158

( 81 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:29:56

Little-girl Coppelia

I love Gray-fight is the last day.
I contemplate it till then.
Because there are only one person wolf in the gray.

We don't doubt each other but will believe each other.

( 82 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:30:05

Maid Synthia

Still white.
I can still agree with her.
Considering many about this village.

No, time up!
▼Mr. Smith ●Coppelia > ▼Miss Meial

( 83 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:31:14

Alien Shirogane、Fruiterer JosephJohnColeの猫じゃらしにじゃれついた♪

( a7 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:32:06

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +34 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:32:16

【墓】 Playboy Vaid


( +35 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:33:09

Maid Synthia

>>82 Coppelia
I agree with your opinion.
But if you are attacked tomorrow?
You can't leave your idea in this village.
Don't you think so?
Why do you think you are left till last day?

( 84 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:34:30

Agent Smith

Coppelia >>78

In case we hang white today and tomorrow Meial make villager single black.
If we hang this single black, village will lose.

So we don't have chance to know "whether she is true" safely.

( 85 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:35:59

【独】 Maid Synthia


( -14 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:36:30

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia

I was able to believe Syinsia by speaking with her today. (>>42>>46>>50>>51>>52)

( -15 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:36:36

Shepherdess Katharina、where is GOKU? GOKU- ! GOKU - !

( A3 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:37:08

Agent Smith

Oh, it's time.

■3. ●Coppelia▼Synthia
I think Katharina is white. So any other hope.

( 86 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:39:15

Little-girl Coppelia

I don't left till last day.
If attacked me, gray decreases,it's no problem.
I believe everyone more than its reasoning.

( 87 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:39:39

Maid Synthia

>>84's point is so strange that I doubt her leak of wolf's sight...
Coppelia expected today's gray attack in >>50
So, don't she expected to be attacked herself?


( 88 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:40:49

Little-girl Coppelia


>So we don't have chance to know "whether she is true" safely.

Do I misunderstand it?

( 89 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:41:09

Shepherdess Katharina

Now no time.......!

●Synthia ▼Coppelia 

The reason, later

( 90 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:42:38

Little-girl Coppelia

Gray attacked is advantageous of the village side.
No problem.

( 91 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:42:38

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia



( -16 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:43:21

Little-girl Coppelia

I was able to believe Syinsia by speaking with her today. (>>42>>46>>50>>51>>52)

( 92 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:43:41

Little-girl Coppelia

I am suspecting Smith now.
He thinks about a lot of patterns.
However, it is not deeply thought.
It's only a surface.
It's black though I thought this to be his character until today.
Especially, I thought it was black because I saw him speak GOKU today.

( 93 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:43:56

Maid Synthia

>>87 Coppelia
well... as one of a village-side,
Don't you want to leave this village your opinion?

From my own value, I'm afraid to it...

( 94 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:44:07

Little-girl Coppelia

Syinsia is a little black?

( 95 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:44:29

Shepherdess Katharina

>Meial >>79

I'm OK !


( 96 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:45:26

Little-girl Coppelia

I don't have confidence in its reasoning.

Because there seems to be no wolf! w

( 97 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:46:27

Little-girl Coppelia

My hope is ●Syinsia.
The rope is..........I am not decided.........

( 98 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:47:38

【独】 Maid Synthia


( -17 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:47:56

Little-girl Coppelia

Mt hope.
Gray's●▼ is ▼Synsia●Smith

( 99 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:49:13

Maid Synthia

lower sentences , I agree with you w
Everybody are white! w

( 100 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:49:22

Little-girl Coppelia

All members have come into view to the wolf.

( 101 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:49:37

Little-girl Coppelia


( 102 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:50:08

Shepherdess Katharina

【Today we need the hunter CO by vote ?】
【And ▼avoidance of the hunter?】

( 103 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:50:25

【削除】 Little-girl Coppelia

   *'``・* 。
        |     `*。
       ,。∩      *  I am scorch excrement.
      + (´・ω・`) *。+゚
      `*。 ヽ、  つ *゚*
       `・+。*・' ゚⊃ +゚
       ☆   ∪~ 。*゚
        `・+。*・ ゚

2009/11/23(月) 22:52:14

【墓】 Village-chief Kold



( +36 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:52:26

【削除】 Little-girl Coppelia

*'``・* 。
        |     `*。
       ,。∩      *  I am scorch excrement.
      + (´・ω・`) *。+゚
      `*。 ヽ、  つ *゚*
       `・+。*・' ゚⊃ +゚
       ☆   ∪~ 。*゚
        `・+。*・ ゚

2009/11/23(月) 22:52:51

Maid Synthia

OK, OK, OK, ........
anyway, I'm doubted.
maybe, ▼ or ● comes for me soon......

I'm so so sorry........ orz

【I'm the HUNTER.】

I guarded Miss Meial → Miss Meial.
...sorry, Mr.Kold.
Do you want my reason for guard? if there are needs, I talk it.

Today, If opposion is appear, absolutely the village-side wins.
Do you against me, wolf?

( 104 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:52:57

Little-girl Coppelia

*'``・* 。
        |     `*。
       ,。∩      *  I am scorch excrement.
      + (´・ω・`) *。+゚
      `*。 ヽ、  つ *゚*
       `・+。*・' ゚⊃ +゚
       ☆   ∪~ 。*゚

( 105 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:53:30

Maid Synthia、oh no soooorrryyyyyy Miss Katharina!!!

( A4 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:53:44

Little-girl Coppelia


( 106 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:54:25

Agent Smith

Coppelia >>89

If Meial and you ara wolfs.
Two villager sides are hanged means wolf side's win.
Today hang villager tomorrow hang single black villager, wolf side's win.

Coppelia >>93
"speak GOKU today"?
When I speak about GOKU? I only said Meial and attacked reason of Kold...

( 107 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:55:02

Drunkard Mr.Heart


well, I will make the first decision. Please wait.

( 108 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:55:09

【独】 Little-girl Coppelia


( -18 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:55:33

( 109 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:56:57

Shepherdess Katharina、Synthia, please reload !! please ! Sorry, I'm too late. orz orz orz

( A5 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:57:08

Agent Smith

Synthia >>104 really...

【I'm NOT hunter】

( 110 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:57:49

Maid Synthia

Please say after first talk,


and it's a digression,
I made >>104 in this afternoon...
I was afraid it. It's my mistake... sorry, sorry...

( 111 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:57:57

【独】 Shepherdess Katharina

やーん。orz orz orz

( -19 ) 2009/11/23(月) 22:58:04

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新



← ↓ ■ □ フィルタ

生存者 (7)

Agent Smith
30回 残507pt
Drunkard Mr.Heart
8回 残1277pt 飴
Shepherdess Katharina
34回 残665pt
2回 残1460pt 飴
Founder Meial
15回 残1031pt
Little-girl Coppelia
52回 残828pt
Maid Synthia
35回 残628pt

犠牲者 (3)

Illegitimate child Burton (2d)
Walter's_granddaughter Alicia (3d)
Village-chief Kold (4d)

処刑者 (2)

Traveler Nicholas (3d)
Alien Shirogane (4d)

突然死者 (0)

見物人 (0)

退去者 (5)

Attendant Hattie (1d)
Playboy Vaid (1d)
Fruiterer JosephJohnCole (1d)
Medium Elea (1d)
Innocence Carme (1d)




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SWBBS V2.00 Beta 8 あず/asbntby *