
308 【英語でガチって】 ウィーアーダウト村 【ボロ雑巾☆】

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Sister Fridel、All 【Excite HO-N-YA-KU】...I'm sorry for not understanding easily...

( A24 ) 2009/04/12(日) 23:57:41

Sister Fridel

【Provisional decision consent】
Liza...The roller is begun...too reluctant.

( 187 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:01:17

Littleboy Peter

Dieter:He speak a lot.but I am difficult to trace his idea. Why did he say PANDA 2time yestaday.Why do he doubt Fridel.If he is village.but i understand.hope phorospy.

Thomas:I doubt Nicolas possess.His word start>>277.now Nicolas see village.I doubt Thomas.

Albin:He have passion ▼village-pretender. and he wachid Simson yestaday.I think he kind.and I sympasy him.but I can't trust all.

Jacob:He prezent for me.delicious vagetable Nicolas!

Crala:silence.I hope more speaking.

( 188 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:02:00

Woundedsoldier Simon

At one time, we can use prophesy for silent people.
But I am worrying whether Clara speaks well after fixed white, or battle very well after becoming PANDA.

( 189 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:02:30

Oldman Moritz

【Final decision: ▼Liza / ●Clara】

Tomorrow the hanging is Simson.
Liza, please leave your opinion! Regards.

The order of announce of the result is free.

( 190 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:03:41

Littleboy Peter

【Provisional decision OK】

( 191 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:05:56

Father Simson

■3.Gray analysis
He talkative and makes questions for everyone until understand.
It is my favorite style. But I hope more gray analysis, please.
I want to see more another gray person's analysis.

( 192 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:06:10

Sister Fridel

She is not making remarks.
Even if Attack is received, the judgment can be put out about once.
Afterwards, it might be acceptable to do Hanging.

( 193 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:06:37

Littleboy Peter

【Final decision OK】

( 194 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:07:01

【赤】 Father Simson


( *54 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:07:11

Woodcutter Thomas

【I confirmed Final decision】

( 195 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:08:07

Sister Fridel

【Final decision consent】

>>193 = Liza

( 196 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:08:54

Father Simson

【I confirm Final decision.】
But I hanging tomorrow? Hmm...

( 197 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:09:06

Merchant Albin

【I confirmed Final decision. But...】

Don't you hear other people's dissenting opinions, Moritz?

( 198 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:09:48

【赤】 Father Simson


( *55 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:09:53

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *56 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:10:30

Sister Fridel、■3.writes...wait...

( A25 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:10:33

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *57 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:11:11

【赤】 Farmer Jacob


( *58 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:12:38

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *59 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:13:39

【赤】 Father Simson

Already targeting Moritz.
I want to hear Okra's opinion too.

( *60 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:13:44

【赤】 Farmer Jacob


( *61 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:13:58

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *62 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:14:19

【赤】 Father Simson



( *63 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:14:36

Woundedsoldier Simon

【I confirmed final decision】

I don't agree with the decision perfectly. I want to see the result from mediums.
but OK. I have set both vote and Prophesy.
The order of announce is OK.
I maybe fail to get up early...

( 199 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:15:16

Shepherdess Katharina

I'm back
【Final decision: ▼Liza / ●Clara】
I confirmed.


( 200 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:15:40

Littleboy Peter

I am tird. I go to bath. if......I go to bed.

( 201 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:16:27

Oldman Moritz

The reason of start the rolling.

We can use prophesy for gray now.
There is not enough information to decide gray.
If we hang human in gray and seer/seeress is not attacked, we need to decide the true of seer/seeress or mediums.

( 202 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:17:33

【赤】 Father Simson


( *64 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:17:37

Father Simson

Hmm...I'm so sleepy.
Good night everyone. Zzz......

( 203 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:18:38

Woundedsoldier Simon

I have to be off now.
But I want to come back before dawn and do more effort to speak.
(I'm not sure tomorrow will come for me)

( 204 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:18:50

Woundedsoldier Simon、Littleboy Peter, good night.

( A26 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:19:44

Shepherdess Katharina

I don't discuss today, so I can't opposit it decision.

I'll read today's log, and go to bed.

( 205 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:19:45

【赤】 Father Simson


( *65 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:24:18

【赤】 Father Simson


( *66 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:29:46

【赤】 Merchant Albin



( *67 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:31:02

Farmer Jacob

Moritz tiredness externals dabe.

I thought that I had to foretell him if Nicholas were not executed.

( 206 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:31:10

【赤】 Farmer Jacob



( *68 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:32:59

【赤】 Farmer Jacob



( *69 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:33:45

Sister Fridel

>>206 Jacob
Me too.

( 207 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:35:06

【赤】 Father Simson


( *70 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:35:07

【赤】 Father Simson


( *71 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:36:04

【赤】 Farmer Jacob

The order of announce of the result is free.


( *72 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:36:29

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *73 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:36:29

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *74 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:37:15

【赤】 Farmer Jacob


( *75 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:38:04

【赤】 Father Simson



( *76 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:38:20

【赤】 Farmer Jacob

Oh yes. thank you. I'm fine!

( *77 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:39:02

Woundedsoldier Simon

>>206 Jacob
I assure you.

( 208 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:39:18

【赤】 Father Simson



( *78 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:39:32

【赤】 Farmer Jacob



( *79 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:41:25

【赤】 Farmer Jacob

It is glad.

( *80 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:42:11

Traveler Nicolas

【Provisional decision OK】【Set OK】

Ah ….
Liza, please forgive me.

There is a lot more to communicate for everyone.

I want to speak many.
I remain a lot of remarks.
In my heart…

Time did not suffice.

I wish ..Moritz..to express my gratitude.

( 209 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:42:51

【赤】 Father Simson



( *81 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:43:20

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *82 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:43:41

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *83 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:44:28

【赤】 Father Simson


( *84 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:44:43

【赤】 Farmer Jacob


( *85 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:45:13

【赤】 Father Simson


( *86 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:45:15

【赤】 Merchant Albin


( *87 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:46:26

【赤】 Father Simson


( *88 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:46:57

【赤】 Merchant Albin


Good night, werewolves!

( *89 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:50:53

【赤】 Farmer Jacob



( *90 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:51:49

【赤】 Father Simson

Good night friends, and have a nice dream!

( *91 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:52:07

Traveler Nicolas

I do my best before it sleeps.

Because I am unskilled of language, a lot of time is spent.
I have the obligation to get understanding.
Therefore, to choose my words, a lot of time is spent.

I use three dictionaries to return the answer.

Please wait me...

( 210 ) 2009/04/13(月) 00:57:27

Sister Fridel

A solemn word is described and it is very brave.
However, it is doubtful.
It is doubtful oppositely.(Not blame...It's really anxious. Sorry)
It is not possible to leave it.

( 211 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:07:28

Sister Fridel

He thinks mainly about Seer and Medium.
He has confidence.
and often talks.
It seems to gaze at Log. The possibility has already been squeezed.
However, it seems to have the logic not visible.
Not simple.
...very reliable person...or...?

( 212 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:08:00

Sister Fridel

He is looking at the action of Nicolas who is the person in the turmoil well. And, it makes remarks.
It seems to want to counterattack to me with Prophesy.
His behavior is simple.
Tries to assemble logic by using the seen one.

Disappeared like the wolf.

( 213 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:08:13

Sister Fridel、never lost hope...never lost hope... tired...orz

( A28 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:12:12

Littleboy Peter

Im back.

■3.Deter(part2):Today,I talk him to Nicolas.(>>52>>61)He hope ▼Nicolas.He said "I don't think hunter"(>>103)
I hope hunging use werwolfs. I can't trace his idea hunging use not hunter.

Otto:He uses it a lot situation consideration.but I can't sympasy his consideration.i don't understand.he is village or werwolfs.maybe village?

Fridel:Her idea is comprehensible in me.maybe look like village.

( 214 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:41:19

Sister Fridel

He of 1d is high-tension.
Very very pleasant.
The reason for Prophesy is a passion. ...enjoy!
It tries to distinguish the ability person though final information is not obtained. Analyzes it.
Or, it has already been distinguished.
There is no contradiction in the explanation and the attitude.

( 215 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:42:42

Sister Fridel

He doesn't worry about the god of Simson... Paying attention to the hair of Simson...It worries too much.(www)
There are a lot of questions.
It is persistent in a good meaning.

I regard him as human.
If he is a wolf, I am connected with the line.

( 216 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:42:48

Sister Fridel

【Set OK.】

( 217 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:43:44

Littleboy Peter

English is very difficult !

I go to bed.Good night !

( 218 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:46:02

Traveler Nicolas、Sister Fridel I am very very tired, and 『 Hissi Otsu 』 !!

( A29 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:54:03

Traveler Nicolas、Littleboy Peter Good night, have a nice dream!!

( A30 ) 2009/04/13(月) 01:55:06

Sister Fridel、Littleboy Peter Good night...♪

( A31 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:07:15

Sister Fridel、Father SimsonIt's lucky charm...Please receive.つ【ADERANS】

( A32 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:07:31

Sister Fridel、Traveler NicolasSpring has come〜♪Spring has come〜♪つ【Water】【Flashlight】【Nutrition】【Collar】

( A33 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:08:10

Sister Fridel、Shepherdess Katharina "gay" = I misread...thank you for pointing it out...w つ【LOVE】

( A34 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:08:33

Sister Fridel

Only hope is described.
There is no reason.
Is not a thing not good at the word made use of?
Or, is it really weak, and a line?

I also felt it as well as others.
"Want to apply Prophesy to her."


( 219 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:20:38

Sister Fridel

He declared that he looked for the wolf in 1d. Positive.
Moreover, it's positive for...UHO!
However, have you become tired because of 2d?...silent.
What did he do?busy?

...Though it is good if it doesn't sink in the red world.

( 220 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:35:24

Farmer Jacob

Friedel、good evening dabe.
It occurs till late.

The midnight snack please

( 221 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:37:59

Farmer Jacob

Littleboy Peter:

Peter had a lot of conversations with Katharina in the first day.
It looks like though it ascertains the truth dabe.

「●Otto ○Moritz」
The reason is a passion… grate!

Peter seems to be protecting Fridel in the communication with Dieter.

( 222 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:38:20

Sister Fridel

Good morning...w つ【a.m.2:43】

Nicolasnack,very very thanks!
Permeates through a tired body...♪(saku-saku...)

( 223 ) 2009/04/13(月) 02:44:50

Sister Fridel

He's freedom.
He is anxious about Simson... The hair chiefly. It looks like Peter.
He made list. And, the theory of 15 person village was taught.
It a little black though we wish to express our gratitude.
However, I cannot find his black from other parts.

I feel that he is white.
Especially, reasoning....He is steady.

( 224 ) 2009/04/13(月) 03:02:32

Sister Fridel、...I spoke very very long...I'm sorry,everybody......orz

( A35 ) 2009/04/13(月) 03:07:08

Sister Fridel、go to bed eating Nicolasnack... fa-a...**

( A36 ) 2009/04/13(月) 03:11:42

Librarian Clara

I look Final decision not OK.
●Clara OK.▼Liza not OK.

( 225 ) 2009/04/13(月) 03:44:47

Librarian Clara

I speak my think. sorry more?
I am black? sorry.
I am not wolf.

( 226 ) 2009/04/13(月) 03:56:39

Librarian Clara

I set Liza. I sleep.

( 227 ) 2009/04/13(月) 03:59:25

Rascal Dieter

Good morning.
I was able to check the decision...roller?
Mm...well, it is true Liza is silent.
OK, I have set Liza.

( 228 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:13:59

Woundedsoldier Simon、I'm very very sorry I can't speak! I'm busy!

( A37 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:26:38

Traveler Nicolas

Good moning everyone....zzzzzz


It speaks though it is incomplete.

( 229 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:51:29

Traveler Nicolas

Bcause...This is very very long!!!
>>1:57 ☆Simon

Simon,I am sorry for the delay in answering again.
At first I communicate you what I felt, and thought, before CO.

This is my intuition in the beginning.
Both CO of Katharina, and Simson, were very fast.
I felt by intuition. Both of them might be Pretender.

Katharina came out the fastest by rocket. Therefore, many people thought too. She might be Pretender.


( 230 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:54:17

Traveler Nicolas

(from >>230)
CO of Simson was also very fast.

I took notice of his words when he did coming-out. (>>1:4)
Why did he say so?
By surprise, or blame to Katharina?
It thought that the either.

If Simson is Seer of the truth, it is not right to attack her.
It becomes emotional, and Seer that attacks the contender will not be
trusted by everyone.

I thought that possibility by sense.
That is they might be Pretender.

(next after.....Sorry. )

( 231 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:55:28

Baker Otto

Oh my gosh! I overslept!!
It's too little time to tell my consideration... orz

Hastily,【I've confirmed final decision.】
I don't prefer start Roller from today, but I thought >>202 is OK.

( 232 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:57:45

Traveler Nicolas

This is incomplete...sorry.

『Rascal Dieter』

I know I am a true villager.
I think that he might be Werewolf.
There are a lot of reasons for it.

The first. (>>1:51)

He said.
【say if you CANCEL the CO as the SEER/ESS or not as soon as possible!】

【as soon as possible!】
This is very important.
He made remarks a lot.

Most of his remarks seem logical, and easy to understand, and persuasive.
I think that he is very smart and prudent.

( 233 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:59:26

Traveler Nicolas

However, 【 as soon as possible 】this is a very impatient remark.
I is a doubt because he is usually very smart, and is careful.
Was he impatient why? I did not understand.

And, it was felt that he was a main stream in the village at that time. He made it.
At least, for me.

There is a main stream in each village.
I accepted his advice to be a main stream in this village.

And, I was thought that it was necessary to follow the main stream, and declared that I was a villager.

However, this judgment was a mistake.

I think that the person who needs 【 as soon as possible 】is werewolf at that time.

( 234 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:59:39

Baker Otto

And I cannot find Liesa's records except just a form of greeting.
It's an unstrung Werewolf? or Medium?

( 235 ) 2009/04/13(月) 05:59:44

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 7日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新



← ↓ ■ □ フィルタ

生存者 (14)

Merchant Albin
20回 残960pt
Farmer Jacob
24回 残877pt
Oldman Moritz
7回 残1292pt
Littleboy Peter
24回 残853pt
Rascal Dieter
16回 残979pt
Father Simson
24回 残713pt
Littlegirl Liza
1回 残1480pt
Shepherdess Katharina
16回 残1104pt
Woundedsoldier Simon
34回 残518pt
Sister Fridel
21回 残785pt
Baker Otto
17回 残809pt
Woodcutter Thomas
4回 残1402pt
Librarian Clara
11回 残1249pt
Traveler Nicolas
17回 残833pt

犠牲者 (1)

Optimist Gerd (2d)

処刑者 (0)

突然死者 (0)

見物人 (0)

退去者 (4)

Onlooker peti-Nicolas (1d)
Onlooker peti-Walter (1d)
Onlooker peti-Joachim (1d)
Onlooker peti-Gerd (1d)




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