
308 【英語でガチって】 ウィーアーダウト村 【ボロ雑巾☆】

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Merchant Albin は Baker Otto に投票した。
Farmer Jacob は Merchant Albin に投票した。
Littleboy Peter は Merchant Albin に投票した。
Shepherdess Katharina は Merchant Albin に投票した。
Woundedsoldier Simon は Merchant Albin に投票した。
Baker Otto は Merchant Albin に投票した。
Woodcutter Thomas は Merchant Albin に投票した。
Librarian Clara は Woodcutter Thomas に投票した。
Traveler Nicolas は Merchant Albin に投票した。

Merchant Albin は村人達の手により処刑された。

【赤】 Farmer Jacob

Woundedsoldier Simon! 今日がお前の命日だ!

2009/04/16(木) 06:00:00

次の日の朝、Woundedsoldier Simon が無残な姿で発見された。

現在の生存者は、Farmer Jacob、Littleboy Peter、Shepherdess Katharina、Baker Otto、Woodcutter Thomas、Librarian Clara、Traveler Nicolas の 7 名。

Traveler Nicolas


Sleep restfully, Albin.
And, Simon.

I live. Is it natural?

....Why was I in a hurry?
I straighten sentences today.

( 0 ) 2009/04/16(木) 06:09:02

Baker Otto

Simon and Albin, rest in peace...

You don't have to wait till 7:00 to show us your prophet.

( 1 ) 2009/04/16(木) 06:10:59

Traveler Nicolas、 It is cunning that I am alive.

( A0 ) 2009/04/16(木) 06:17:12

Traveler Nicolas、 I doesn't see Friedel yet.  For me, photosynthesis is necessary. It doesn't suffice.....

( A1 ) 2009/04/16(木) 06:23:20

Traveler Nicolas、 I'm hungry. And no time. And so tired....【GUTI】

( A2 ) 2009/04/16(木) 06:25:18

Shepherdess Katharina

Good morinig
Rest inpeace Albin, Simon.

【Peter is human】

I can't found wolf yet.

( 2 ) 2009/04/16(木) 06:26:48

Shepherdess Katharina

wolf is exit in Thomas or Jacob.
I fortune tell one, it become black or white, the other color will be understand.

( 3 ) 2009/04/16(木) 06:44:28

Traveler Nicolas

【I saw Katherina's judgment 】

if you are Werewolf, it is a correct answer, perhaps.

Well, I will go..see you.

( 4 ) 2009/04/16(木) 07:20:27

Traveler Nicolas

I might be a cruel person...

Katharina. I apologize to you.

( 5 ) 2009/04/16(木) 07:24:09

Shepherdess Katharina

I am true seeress and Simon is lunatic.

( 6 ) 2009/04/16(木) 07:25:52

Traveler Nicolas

Yes ....

Only one more.

The fact from which Simon was bitten makes me feel Gray Werewolf's existence.


( 7 ) 2009/04/16(木) 07:47:49

Littleboy Peter

【Katharina says Peter is human】

( 8 ) 2009/04/16(木) 07:58:38

Farmer Jacob

oh no..

Katarina is a doubt.

( 9 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:00:27

Farmer Jacob

Do you think that Katarina is a real thing?

( 10 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:01:28

Librarian Clara

I'm sorry, I missed voting.

( 11 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:18:46

Littleboy Peter

Hello. I'm very tird.

Jacob>>10 > Katharina says Peter is human.because I can't say "Katharina , You are doubt !"
but, I can't trust Katharina.

( 12 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:21:20

Littleboy Peter

★Katharina > Why did you vote Thomas yesterday ?

Albin & Dieter hope hunging Nicolas.because Nicolas was look like white. and Thomas look like white many people.

( 13 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:25:34

Littleboy Peter

I read log yesterday.

Katharina & Albin vote Thomas, It is Thomas white point. I can sympasy.

If werwolf alive in grey person. He is Jacob i think.
but......I hope Thomas talk more. I hope thinking your white or black in your word.

( 14 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:32:42

【赤】 Farmer Jacob




( *0 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:42:28

Littleboy Peter

Todays my hope ▼Katharina.

7 > 5 > 3 > 1 @3

We have hunging roap @3. If Katharina is true seeress, Hers work end.
I hope roller finishd. I think Katharina is human but maybe werwolfs.

( 15 ) 2009/04/16(木) 08:45:16

Littleboy Peter

Jacob>>10 > Change my idea.>>12>>15

I think "Katharina is TRUE seeress."

Simons opinion is good more than Katharina.
but opinion is good = true seer ? "No"
most inportant "prophesy result"

I charenge thinking Katharina is werwolfs. but I can't.
1day Katharina play "Rocket CO". and she say "I don't know 15village theoly"etc. I think Katharina is begginer.(>>3:136)
If Katharina is werwolfs, She play rocket CO not consultant hers pertner ? or she is begginer pretend ? I can't think.

because I think "Katharina is human".and We have infomation "Simon is human".I think "Seer(ess) True-Possess"(>>5:71)

( 16 ) 2009/04/16(木) 14:16:18

Littleboy Peter

Thinking prophesy result.
"Why Clara is pure white" this time 1st Simon 2nd Katharina. If Katharina possess why she didnt make PANDA.because Katharina is true seeress.i think.

"Why Otto is pure white" this time 1st Katharina 2nd Simon and "GJ".Possess could not know who is happend GJ Seer(ess) or "Otto" ? because Otto is pure white.(If Katharina is werwolfs, she could make PANDA.)

"Why Nicolas is pure white" this time 1st Katharina 2nd Simon. but Albin and Dieter hope hunging Nicolas.and we get infomation "Albin is werwolfs".If Nicolas make PANDA, pretender seer(ess) is necessary to explain "Albin-Nicolas line".It is very dificult.

All question give answer petern.only "Katharina(True)Simon(Possess)". especialy "Why Clara is pure white"

"Katharina(Seeress)Simon(Possess)Liza(Medium)Simson(Werwolf)"It is my Final Answer.

( 17 ) 2009/04/16(木) 14:16:56

Littleboy Peter

Thomas:He is silent.but Line and Situation say "Thomas is white"

"Thomas-Albin" Albin vote Thomas.etc...
"Thomas-Simson" Simson disliked my idea "Thomas is white">>3:143>>3:154>>3:217

I think "Thomas is white".

( 18 ) 2009/04/16(木) 14:41:13

Farmer Jacob


Your idea is lucid.
It is the judgment order and concerns the situation.

If Katarina is true, Thomas is a wolf.
I will be able to bring the idea to Albin and Thomas together.

Possibility that Katarina is true.
The wolf was not able to observe it carefully.

If it is Albin& Thomas, it is consent.

Peter looks white at a dash for me.

( 19 ) 2009/04/16(木) 14:46:47

Farmer Jacob

It did not see it about this remark.

However, indeed. It might be certain to see it like that.

However, I am human.

If Thomas is executed if Katarina is true, the epilogue will visit.

My hope is ▼Thomas.

( 20 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:04:13

Farmer Jacob

Simon announced back on the first day. And, Moritz was made pure-white. Can the doubt concerning this be solved?

And ...,

I do not think that there is "Beginner" in this village.

Here is not F country dabe.

( 21 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:07:12

Farmer Jacob

I withdraw though I was impressed by Peter a little while ago.

I might be being grandly cheated by him.

I want to wait for his answer.

( 22 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:08:28

Littleboy Peter

Jacob:Sometime i speak.I doubt "Jacob-Simson line".1st day Simson ●Moritz. manypeople hope silent prophesy.but Simson dislike silent prophesy.and Jacob is silent.&3day Simson hope silent prphesy.

He made the vote 2nd days.I wait his Situation consideration.but he didn't use his vote.
Why did you make if didn't use it ? I think not silent appeal & white point up skill.

( 23 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:08:45

Littleboy Peter

Jacob > Hellow and Sorry, I hope hunging you.

Beginner is bad word i see. but my English is poor. I don't know more good word. Katharina sorry.

( 24 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:12:29

Farmer Jacob

Peter's explanation is easy.

I clearly say on the third day, "Simson iron plate".

It is ridiculous to make my vote mistake a material.

( 25 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:13:52

Littleboy Peter

Jacob>>21 > Moritz time. Simon said before Katharina.
If he have infomation "Moritz black".First saying he could get ture image. but he wait Katharina. If after Katharina he said "Moritz black". He get possess image.

and 1st time pure white is theoly."box lunch"

( 26 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:20:39

Littleboy Peter

Jacob>>25 > Sorry. I can't think Thomas is black.

You say Peter is black, I'm OK.
but,If you want persuasion me.please give me Thomas's black point. I can't serch it.

( 27 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:26:00

Littleboy Peter

▼Jacob ●Thomas

time up ! see you later.

( 28 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:28:08

Littleboy Peter

>>23 oh, im mistake. vote is not vote. vote is your>>2:38>>2:40. table ? exele ? i dont know good word. sorry.

( 29 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:32:41

Farmer Jacob

To Peter

I am ill-humored.
I compiled a list about the order of CO.
It might look certain a point improvement.
However, it should not be put in consideration.

As for this village, it thought how it compiled a list with the prologue.
I executed it.
The standpoint is not related.

I get wounded awfully.

( 30 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:49:37

Farmer Jacob、By the way, I am not using Excel.

( A3 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:50:21

【赤】 Farmer Jacob



( *1 ) 2009/04/16(木) 15:55:15

Traveler Nicolas


I had read long long log, from 1st day.....now too.

But I get some infomation.
About all Gray man.

Perhaps, I come back so late.
And talk about...

If I late for decision, I will entrust all.

Sorry, sorry....

( 31 ) 2009/04/16(木) 17:44:48

Traveler Nicolas

I came back...why.
However, I am now climax of climax of sleeply.
Please give me bed..

( 32 ) 2009/04/16(木) 18:53:41

Traveler Nicolas、 Well,    。。。。 I raise my spirits.

( A4 ) 2009/04/16(木) 18:55:58

Traveler Nicolas、  I dive for a moment.

( A5 ) 2009/04/16(木) 19:03:52

Shepherdess Katharina

>>5:98 Otto
Accurately, I think the reticent person must be hang but there are not enough ropes.
So I want to judge the person by fortune-telling.

I don't speak English very well, so I make this sentense with very long time.

( 33 ) 2009/04/16(木) 19:49:10

Shepherdess Katharina

Quiet person could not discuss at last day.
Therfore I vote Thomas.

( 34 ) 2009/04/16(木) 19:52:13

Shepherdess Katharina

And I can't black point as Fridel.

I want take the buth, so see later.

( 35 ) 2009/04/16(木) 19:53:41

Littleboy Peter

I have a little time.

Jacob>>30 >

You made table.
but You did not use it your consideration.
I think it is black point.

You can not stop I am thinking.
but, You can say "It is black painting" and "You are doubt !"

( 36 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:11:21

Littleboy Peter、see you later!

( A6 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:12:01

Farmer Jacob

I'm home.

I am mortifying.
I am not expressing the opinion only of the ability person in this village.

Simon and Katarina.
Zurason and Lisa.

Their remarks have the difference too much.

Possibility that Katarina is true.
Possibility of Katarina is pretender.
It is a half.

( 37 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:13:44

Farmer Jacob

Albin confessed oneself to be a wolf.

Dieter was murdered on the day.

Albin voted for Thomas.

I renew the idea.

Thomas will be absolutely suspected in the future if Albin doesn't vote for Thomas.

The important one has been that these occurred at the same time.

・It was confessed that Albin was a wolf.
・He voted for Thomas.

Albin moves him to a white position to vote for Thomas.

If the resolution doesn't exist, wolf CO of Albin is impossible.
Moreover, it is needless.

( 38 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:21:08

Farmer Jacob

To Peter

I think that the point of you is justifiable.
I was very though seen how matters stand by me in this village.
And, it was not possible to catch up.
However, it made an effort.

Did Thomas make remarks on the second day?
It doesn't do.

Did he list?
It doesn't do.

If you who thinks no remark from my effort to be white are a foolish villager, it is regrettable dabe!

( 39 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:25:30

Farmer Jacob

▼Fridel - Peter, Dieter, Simon, Thomas,Clara ,Nicolas
▼Thomas - Albin, Katharina,

They were only two votes!!

I keep examining it closely.

( 40 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:32:43

Farmer Jacob

I cannot examine it closely in the wolf. orz

I think that I judged it, that Albin can vote for Thomas.

Because the wolf is sensitive to the doubt, it should have been able to be expected.

( 41 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:43:08

Farmer Jacob

About Thomas

A lot of Thomas spoke at the first day.
Even if even Simson is a wolf or it is true, it becomes a reason why Thomas is not chosen.

It continues.

( 42 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:44:05

Woodcutter Thomas

Hi! I'm sorry to be late.

( 43 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:44:36

Farmer Jacob

Thomas of the second day

He talked only with Zurason.

It is groundless in his hope.

I seem to have concentrated on Thomas's cutting the line with Zurason.

( 44 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:47:55

Farmer Jacob、Hi!Thomas !I was waiting for you.

( A7 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:48:44

Farmer Jacob


I made a mistake.

× Thomas of the second day
○ Thomas on the first day

( 45 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:50:10

Farmer Jacob

I hope to you.

Make an effort if you are a villager!

( 46 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:51:36

Farmer Jacob

I think

Peter and Katarina are the possibilities of the companion.

Thomas and Simson are the possibilities of the companion.

I am tired.
Please give resting time to me a little.

( 47 ) 2009/04/16(木) 20:59:26

Woodcutter Thomas

Now, there are 7 people.
7>5>3>1 (3 ropes)

We have to dispute the timing of hanging Kathy. I think she is the possess, so we had better hang gray beforehand.

( 48 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:03:20

Traveler Nicolas、 I drop it without reading air.!!!!

( A8 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:29:08

Traveler Nicolas

【I can't trust Katharina.】

>>15 【▼Katharina.】
and next,
【I think Katharina is human but maybe werwolfs.】

★ 『Katarina is human and she is Werewolf. 』
You are saying so.
Perhaps, your English is a mistake.
Or, did you say seriously like that?

【I think "Katharina is TRUE seeress."】

Did Katherina transform from the Werewolf to human?

【If Katharina is werwolfs, She play rocket CO not consultant hers pertner ? or she is begginer pretend ?】

★ Why were you thought like this today?
You seem to be looking for the reason from the conclusion.

( 49 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:35:26

Traveler Nicolas

(If Katharina is werwolfs, she could make PANDA.)

This is my idea.
The Possess make Panda earlier than Werewolf in many cases.

The Possess Seer(ess) who doesn't make Panda is rare.
If the Possess Seer(ess) was making Panda, Arbin might have escaped from the hanging.

In many cases, many people try to hang Panda if there is Panda.

( 50 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:36:12

Traveler Nicolas

Therefore, Posess don't not make the fixed white of four people, perhaps.

And, Simon was ' Human. '
It is because Dieter guarded him.

>>17, this is not enough as Final answer.

Please...Peter. Settle down.

I am sorry, you seem to be distorting the reason.
You seem to be in a hurry.
Haste blackens you very much.

Please settle down.

・・・・If you are a villager.

★ Peter>
What do you think of my idea?

( 51 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:36:24

Librarian Clara

Good evening!
Now I'm home.

( 52 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:37:51

Littleboy Peter

I'm home. I will read log.

( 53 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:38:38

Traveler Nicolas

buuuuuuuuuu orz
The really!! ↓
I saw your opinion.
(【】 this is quotation. )
【I can't trust Katharina.】

and next,
【I think Katharina is human but maybe werwolfs.】

(Continue to >>49

Sorry for my ZANNENN...Peter, and all....orz

( 54 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:41:05

Traveler Nicolas、 『Excite』 is now breaking.........aaaaaaaaaaaa

( A9 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:43:35

Shepherdess Katharina

I'm back

(continue >>33)
the result is white then gray zone becomes narrow.

( 55 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:44:44

Littleboy Peter

Katharina > Thank you answer.

( 56 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:46:19

Baker Otto

Good evening, everyone.
【Which do you want to do today?】
(1) ▼Katharina
(2) ▼Jacob ●Thomas / ▼Thomas ●Jacob

( 57 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:51:43

Littleboy Peter

Nicolas > I'm sorry. I missunderstand English word "maybe".

I think Katharina is werwolf a little.todays ealy.

and Yesterday I trust Simon.because,Today ealy I can't trust Katharina.it is reary.

but,Change my idea.
If Simon is TRUE seer.I don't get answer some question.

★If Katharina is werwolf. Do you think Katharina's "Rocket CO" ?

( 58 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:53:02

( 59 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:54:20

Librarian Clara

I think
(1) ▼Katharina
is better, and want.

( 60 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:56:25

Littleboy Peter

Otto>>57 > I want ▼Jacob ●Thomas

Today 7people in the village.
Tommorow 5people in the village.
If Katharina & Thomas are werwolfs, We can hunging Katharina tommorow.

I hope ▼Jacob → ▼Katharina → ▼Thomas(or Me choice village if come day)

( 61 ) 2009/04/16(木) 21:59:17

Farmer Jacob



Katarina will be executed tomorrow when not ending.

( 62 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:01:28

Farmer Jacob

Is Thomas looking?

( 63 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:02:15

Woodcutter Thomas

>>57 Otto
(2)▼Jacob ●Me

I'm writing the reason now.

( 64 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:03:57

Farmer Jacob

To Otto

I am opposite to the execution of Katarina. Work doesn't end if she is true.

She has the possibility of the pretender, and has the possibility of the truth.
If Thomas is executed tonight because Thomas is a wolf for the truth Katarina, it is settled.

( 65 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:05:56

Littleboy Peter

Nicolas>>47 > You read my idea 1st〜today ?

I think Katharina is human, always.
and I think Katharina is true.until that time, I get infomation "GJ happend Simon"

yesterday I think Simon is true seer.
but 2〜4day I said "True:Katharina > Simon:Pretend"

( 66 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:06:53

Baker Otto

A) Katharina: Seer / Simon: Lunatic / Simson: Werewolf / Liesa: Medium / Albin: Werewolf / Dieter: Guardian → @1 [Jacob, Thomas]
B) Katharina: Werewolf / Simon: Seer / Simson: Medium / Liesa: Lunatic / Albin: Werewolf / Dieter: Guardian → @1〜2 [Katharina+Peter, Jacob, Thomas (or Friedel in grave)]
C) Katharina: Lunatic / Simon: Seer / Simson: Werewolf / Liesa: Medium / Albin: Werewolf / Dieter: Guardian → @1 [Peter, Jacob, Thomas]
D) Katharina: Werewolf / Simon: Seer / Simson: Lunatic / Liesa: Medium / Albin: Werewolf / Dieter: Guardian → @1 [Peter, Jacob, Thomas]
E) Katharina: Werewolf / Simon: Seer / Simson: Werewolf / Liesa: Medium / Albin: Werewolf / Dieter: Guardian → @1 [Katharina]
F) Katharina: Werewolf / Simon: Seer / Simson: Werewolf / Liesa: Medium / Albin: Guardian / Dieter: Lunatic → @1〜2 [Katharina+Peter, Jacob, Thomas (or Friedel in grave)]

These are the all petterns which have made automatically.

( 67 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:06:55

Librarian Clara

I finished reading today's log.

( 68 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:11:04

Farmer Jacob

To Otto

When is the decision time of today?
The little bit wants to go out.

I am sorry to important time.

It returns to about 23 o'clock.

( 69 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:12:35

Littleboy Peter

Otto>>67 > Oh! I don't think (F) Katharina + Jacob + Thomas (Albin possess).

but.......I can't think.sorry.

If ▼Katharina.I'm OK.

( 70 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:17:30

Shepherdess Katharina

I understand they want hang me for insurance, But I don't agree it.

( 71 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:20:20

Shepherdess Katharina

My jobs finishe?
Ah, there are 3 ropes and 2 grey person as my view point.
So grey roller can do. I understand.

( 72 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:21:27

Woodcutter Thomas

>>70 Peter
It's wrong. What is the true color of Simson and Liza?

( 73 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:21:36

Baker Otto

【I'll make today's decision at 23:30.】

( 74 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:25:42

Traveler Nicolas


I throw a similar doubt to you.

『If Thomas is executed if Katarina is true, the epilogue will visit. 』

★ Where did this logic come?
Are you convinced that Katherina is genuine?
Why is it?>

I'm sorry.
Your English is hard to understand .

That also make difficult to understand you.

I'm sorry, Jacob.
It is impossible to believe in being not able to understand you.

( 75 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:26:48

Traveler Nicolas


【Decision is OK.】

( 76 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:27:45

Littleboy Peter

Thomas>>73 > I think "Simson(Werwolfs)Liza(Medium)Katharina(True)Simon(Possess)"

but......Im wrong ? Sorry Im very tired. My hope is ▼Jacob .

( 77 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:28:13

Shepherdess Katharina

Simson said wolf is in seer/ess.
I am true seeress so Simon must be wolf.
But he is posses, So Simson is not true medium.
It's unbelievable but Liza is true medium.

( 78 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:30:24

Woodcutter Thomas

Now, we have the advantage.
I think, Jacob makes a desperate effort for not being hung today. It seems very black.

( 79 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:30:39

( 80 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:30:59

Woodcutter Thomas

>>77 Peter
I thought, you said like this↓
Werewolf(Katharina + Jacob + Thomas) and Possess(Albin)

Is it wrong?

( 81 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:33:02

Baker Otto

The reason I say ▼Katharina is to make certain there is only 1 Werewolf, although it cannot bring us tomorrow's epilogue.

As for Katharina, Peter's >>58 is quite right.
But I think that a Werewolf sometimes comes out very quickly ----- called "Rocket-CO".
The merits are:
・They can make certain that the Seer(esse)s are UNFIXED, however the Lunatic behaves.
・If there is a Seer who wants to hide in the Grays, he/she shall oppose against his/her will.
・In general, Rocket-CO is believed to be done by the Lunatic, so there is more possibility of living as "Lunatic-neglect".
And I think it's possible if Katharina decided to pretend Seer very quickly.
So I cannot deny the situation Katharina is a Werewolf.

( 82 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:35:13

Woodcutter Thomas

I don't have time now....(I access from my workplace now!)

I'll appear at 24:00. Sorry!

( 83 ) 2009/04/16(木) 22:35:57

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 7日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新



← ↓ ■ □ フィルタ

生存者 (7)

Farmer Jacob
34回 残517pt
Littleboy Peter
24回 残750pt
Shepherdess Katharina
28回 残877pt
Baker Otto
17回 残870pt
Woodcutter Thomas
15回 残1160pt
Librarian Clara
18回 残1056pt
Traveler Nicolas
23回 残823pt

犠牲者 (4)

Optimist Gerd (2d)
Oldman Moritz (3d)
Rascal Dieter (5d)
Woundedsoldier Simon (6d)

処刑者 (4)

Littlegirl Liza (3d)
Father Simson (4d)
Sister Fridel (5d)
Merchant Albin (6d)

突然死者 (0)

見物人 (0)

退去者 (4)

Onlooker peti-Nicolas (1d)
Onlooker peti-Walter (1d)
Onlooker peti-Joachim (1d)
Onlooker peti-Gerd (1d)




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SWBBS V2.00 Beta 8 あず/asbntby *