
308 【英語でガチって】 ウィーアーダウト村 【ボロ雑巾☆】

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 7日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新


Werewolf is considered to pretend human in daytime and show true self in night.
The rumor has spread that the werewolf has got into this village.

Although villagers think it doubtful, they have been gathered at the inn on the outskirt of the village.

1人目、Optimist Gerd。

Optimist Gerd

There cannot be werewolf. Everyone is exaggerating.

( 0 ) 2009/04/08(水) 13:57:30


>>0 Gerd
You are doubt!

10人程度の参加COがありましたのが、飛び入り歓迎です。Freemasons 出現までいっちゃいましょうか。

困った時は適当にアンカを貼って『>> You are doubt!』で乗り切りましょう。

( #0 ) 2009/04/08(水) 14:01:27



楽天家ゲルト:Optimist Gerd
農夫ヤコブ:Farmer Jacob        村娘パメラ:Village girl Pamela
少女リーザ:Littlegirl Liesa      少年ペーター:Littleboy Peter
神父ジムゾン:Father Simson      シスターフリーデル:Sister Fridel
ならず者ディーター:Rascal Dieter   村長ヴァルター:Village chief Walter
負傷兵シモン:Wounded soldier Simon  パン屋オットー:Baker Otto
羊飼いカタリナ:Shepherdess Katharina 旅人ニコラス:Traveler Nicolas
行商人アルビン:Merchant Albin     仕立て屋エルナ:Tailor Erna
木こりトーマス:Woodcutter Thomas   司書クララ:Librarian Clara
宿屋の主人レジーナ:Landlady Regina  青年ヨアヒム:Youngman Joachim
老人モーリッツ:Oldman Moritz

( #1 ) 2009/04/08(水) 14:11:29





>>1 You are doubt too!

( #2 ) 2009/04/08(水) 14:13:12

2人目、Merchant Albin。

Merchant Albin

Gerd,there can be werewolf.

( 1 ) 2009/04/08(水) 14:28:27

Merchant Albin

There are a lot of commodities!
Will you buy anything,everyone?

( 2 ) 2009/04/08(水) 14:30:32

Merchant Albin

つ【amulet】【silver bullet(without gun)】【wine】【beer】

All 100 Gerd!

( 3 ) 2009/04/08(水) 14:34:27

3人目、Farmer Jacob。

Farmer Jacob

You are Doubt!!!!!


( 4 ) 2009/04/08(水) 15:30:15

Merchant Albin

Do you have any vegetables to buy?
If you have,I'll buy them!

( 5 ) 2009/04/08(水) 16:03:42

Farmer Jacob


Yes! I have manymany vegitables!

potato,tomato,onion,radish,carroto... and Nicolas!

Nicolas is very nice vegitable!

( 6 ) 2009/04/08(水) 16:31:19

Merchant Albin

Nicolas! It tastes good!
Please give one Nicolas for me!

( 7 ) 2009/04/08(水) 16:38:35

4人目、Oldman Moritz。

Oldman Moritz


>>3 Albin, Beer please zoi. っ【100Gerd】
>>6 Jacob, Nicolas please zoi. っ【100Gerd】


( 8 ) 2009/04/08(水) 16:59:21

Oldman Moritz



( 9 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:03:23

5人目、村娘 パメラ。

村娘 パメラ

My goodness, everyone's talking about Werewolf.
How ridiculous! There won't be a such a thing...

...But what if it does? I'm scared...:-(

( 10 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:03:46

Farmer Jacob

>>8 zoi w

All right!
Moritz is correct dabe〜

I also get the beer dabe〜

>>7 >>8
っ【Nicolas's butter saute】

( 11 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:06:54

Farmer Jacob

アルビンが張り切ってっからつられちまっただ だははは



( 12 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:08:56

村娘 パメラ

>>9 >>10

You people do nothing but drink beer!
Don't you got anything good to do...

( 13 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:09:37

Farmer Jacob


っ【Village girl Pamela】

びれっぢ がある !だべ!

( 14 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:12:29

村娘 パメラ

Erm... how should I change?


( 15 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:17:06

村娘 パメラ は肩書きと名前を Villagegirl Pamela に変更しました。

Villagegirl Pamela

OK, I got it... Thank you, Jacob.
How do I look now? :-)

( 16 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:20:05

Merchant Albin


( 17 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:22:09

Villagegirl Pamela は肩書きと名前を Pamela に変更しました。

Pamela は肩書きと名前を VillageGirl Pamela に変更しました。

VillageGirl Pamela

Me too.
Well it doesn't matter though?


( 18 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:23:58



>>18 もちろん初日が始まったら訳は禁止ですよ。それだと訳をきっちり書くだけで、あたふた出来なくなりますので…。

( #3 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:35:24


■ 現在の設定は、Act有り、メモ無し、飴無し、となっています。


( #4 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:40:11

VillageGirl Pamela

Alrighty. I just asked...

So you want to see us suffer in communication.
How rude!

I leave it to you to decide...
In other words, I throw my responsibility :P

( 19 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:43:09




( #5 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:46:48

Farmer Jacob

ジムをGにして(シモンがS) おらとヨアを工夫すれば略は頭文字でいけそうな?

( 20 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:55:50

VillageGirl Pamela

Why don't you take the initial letter of the name?
If there're one or more with the same letter, add next letter to it.




\Me Fa Ol Vi
●_ _ _ _
▼Me Me Me Me

How about it?

( 21 ) 2009/04/08(水) 17:57:09

Farmer Jacob

あー 2文字つかうのがいいだかなあ



( 22 ) 2009/04/08(水) 18:01:10

VillageGirl Pamela

Well I told before, I left all to you :P
But if there's anything I can do, I'm always here...
Won't be in any use, though:(

( 23 ) 2009/04/08(水) 18:08:04


■ 更新時間は、23:00としています。
更新に立会えなそうなので足踏み、という声がありましたので、朝更新 4/11(土) 6:00とかへの変更も考えています。

( #6 ) 2009/04/08(水) 18:15:35

Oldman Moritz

>>#4 わしゃそれで構わんと思うぞい。 It's alright zoi.
>>#6 夜でも朝でも構わんとぞい。 Both is OK for me zoi.


 A J M P 分かり辛いかのぅ。
 l a o a SimonとSimsonは困るか。
\b c r m どっちか早い者がちにすれば済むがの。
▼N N N N
 i i i i
 C C C C

( 24 ) 2009/04/08(水) 18:30:18

Oldman Moritz


■1. Core time
■2. Time of provisional and final decision
■3. About CO by voting (<- ほんまか?)
■4. Etc.

( 25 ) 2009/04/08(水) 18:45:32

Oldman Moritz

■1. Irregular. Usually 21-24 is OK.
■2. 22:00/22:30
■3. Everything is OK!
■4. Doubt! Doubter! Doubtest!

( 26 ) 2009/04/08(水) 18:50:14

6人目、Littleboy Peter。

Littleboy Peter

You are doubt !

( 27 ) 2009/04/08(水) 19:35:57

Littleboy Peter

■1.You are doubt !
■2.You are doubt !
■3.You are doubt !
■4.You are doubt !

( 28 ) 2009/04/08(水) 19:36:54

Littleboy Peter

>>#6 You are doubt !

( 29 ) 2009/04/08(水) 19:38:14

Merchant Albin

■1. 22-25
■2. provisional 22:00 final 22:00
■3. Everything Okay!
■4. I am a Merchant.My name is Albin.
This is a pen.
How are you?
I'm fine,thank you! And you?
I'm fine,too!
If I were a bird!

( 30 ) 2009/04/08(水) 19:46:24

Merchant Albin

>>#4 >>#5 >>#6
It's up to you!

( 31 ) 2009/04/08(水) 19:48:16

Merchant Albin


■2.provisional 22:00 final 22:30

( 32 ) 2009/04/08(水) 19:48:47

7人目、Rascal Dieter。

Rascal Dieter

Yo yo yo!
You are doubt, man!

( 33 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:10:27

Rascal Dieter

■1.Arround 21-23? I'm not sure.
■2.pro/21:30 final/22:30
■3.I like Full Open, but I don't bother if you come out by voting, man.
■4.Rascal? It sounds sweet, don't you think so, hur?
I may use pigeon more than others, I guess.

( 34 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:15:09

8人目、Father Simson。

Father Simson

Yes we can!

( 35 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:22:48

VillageGirl Pamela

Hey, many ppl had come...
Hello dear, and here is my answer for the questionnaire.

■1. Mid night, mostly.
■2. provisional 22:00
final decision 23:00
■3. Be it anything.
■4. Don't think that I'm here for you!
I'm here because... because, erm, I want to!

( 36 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:24:41

VillageGirl Pamela

Hello Father, good day.

( 37 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:25:09

Father Simson

■1. about 21-24
■2. 22:00/23:00
■3. Yes we can!
■4. We can do!

( 38 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:28:00

Father Simson

You are daut!

( 39 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:28:55

Merchant Albin

>>39 Simson
You are doubt!

( 40 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:48:00

Merchant Albin

Simson,I have a question!

Are you putting on the wig?

( 41 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:55:37

Father Simson

You are daut!

( 42 ) 2009/04/08(水) 20:58:28

Father Simson が村を出て行きました。

Traveler Nicolas。(見物人)

Traveler Nicolas


( 43 ) 2009/04/08(水) 21:38:36

Traveler Nicolas


Kenbutsu wa OK ka ?

Dekai chara de OK ?

( 44 ) 2009/04/08(水) 21:41:09

Merchant Albin

Nicolas the Very nice vegetable!

( 45 ) 2009/04/08(水) 21:41:16

Traveler Nicolas


BUT !! You TOO !!
Kongo tomo YOROSHIKU !!

( 46 ) 2009/04/08(水) 21:46:31

Littleboy Peter

You are doubt !

( 47 ) 2009/04/08(水) 21:54:02

Traveler Nicolas

Koko de JYUDAI na OSHIRASE death.

【I DON'T use google.】

EIGO NO !! I use feeling ONLY !!

( 48 ) 2009/04/08(水) 21:56:07

Littleboy Peter

You are doubt!

( 49 ) 2009/04/08(水) 21:58:51

8人目、Father Simson。

Father Simson

Lord, have mercy on us.
There are too many liar.

Gerd, you are lazy.
You must be working. Now!

( 50 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:11:27

Littleboy Peter

You are doubt !

( 51 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:13:41

Father Simson

No, I am not liar.
You have to study about man watching, Peter.

( 52 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:17:58

9人目、Littlegirl Liza。

Littlegirl Liza


( 53 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:19:37

Traveler Nicolas

List use 2moji Do ?

for example,
Traveler Nicolas=Tn
VillageGirl Pamela=Vp


Yah !
Kaburanai yone ?

( 54 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:21:36

Father Simson

■1. Core time
Main:PM 21:30-AM 0:30.
Sub:early morning(AM 7:00-AM 7:50?)
■2. Time of provisional and final decision
provisional:PM 22:00
final:PM 23:00
It's my demand.
■3. About CO use voting
Anything OK.
■4. Etc.
Are there some werewolf?
It's so scary.

( 55 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:22:34

Traveler Nicolas

【Sit mooooooon !!!!!!】

>for 村建て

( 56 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:26:54

Traveler Nicolas、Today is LAST !! GOOD Night !!**

( A0 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:35:27

Father Simson、I'm sleepy. Have a nice dream.**

( A1 ) 2009/04/08(水) 22:36:59


Merchant Albin

Hmm,I'm feeling asleep.

See you next morning!

( 57 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:15:02



>>44 見物も歓迎ですよー、スライドして本参加ならもっと歓迎ですけどね。

>>54 何か暗号みたいですけど、みんなが分かれば。まー、集計表出す人が考えれば良さそうですね。

>>56 そうです、墓下発言なので、自由ですよ。

( #7 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:15:54

VillageGirl Pamela


Many people... But no girl?
Me and Liz only...

( 58 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:23:55

10人目、Shepherdess Katharina。

Shepherdess Katharina

Hello everyone, I want to participate in this village.

( 59 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:35:13

Village_Mayor Walter。(見物人)

Village_Mayor Walter


( 60 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:36:42

Shepherdess Katharina

I am a female。

( 61 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:36:54

Village_Mayor Walter

I am a bisexual
I love all

( 62 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:43:22

Shepherdess Katharina

■1. 2100-2400 and 0630-0730
■2. 2200, if update is moring then 2400 or 0600
■3. About CO by voting. Yes, I don't oppose it.
■4. Now, nothing.

( 63 ) 2009/04/08(水) 23:57:30

Shepherdess Katharina

Is this village serious or joke?

( 64 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:20:03

11人目、Woundedsoldier Simon。

( 65 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:27:19

Shepherdess Katharina

>>3 Albin
I want to buy a silver bullet.
Here, 100 Gerd.

( 66 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:35:27

Woundedsoldier Simon

■1. Core time
around 21:00-24:00,
in the morning I only can check by carrier pigeon
■2. Time of provisional and final decision
provisional:PM 21:30
final:PM 22:30
■3. About CO by voting
I like CO by voting! If someone doesn't like it, I'll encourage him/her to use it.

( 67 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:40:29

Woodcutter Thomas。(見物人)

Woodcutter Thomas

Yosaku cuts woooooooooooods♪
Hey Hey Hoooooo!!!

( 68 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:41:14

Woundedsoldier Simon

Hey Hey Hoooooo〜〜〜

( 69 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:46:43

Village_Mayor Walter

I think that this village is serious.
But I guess result to be joke.

Nobody ever likes to admit to mistakes due to his own youth, but I guess this time I have no choice.

( 70 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:49:05

Woodcutter Thomas

Hi, I'm Thomas. Nice to meet you!

By the way, I want to join as an onlooker. OK?

( 71 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:52:13

baker Otto。(見物人)

baker Otto

Hey Hey Hoooooo!!!

( 72 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:55:12

Village_Mayor Walter

Hi, Thomas. Nice to meet you, too.
You must join, because mayor order.

( 73 ) 2009/04/09(木) 00:57:52

Woundedsoldier Simon

Of course this village is serious.

To use English is only "NETA" part in this village, isn't it?

We will discuss to find werewolves very seriously.

( 74 ) 2009/04/09(木) 01:04:22

Librarian Clara。(見物人)

Librarian Clara

Good evening.

( 75 ) 2009/04/09(木) 01:06:25

Shepherdess Katharina

There are many onlookers.
If they slide to player, then Freemasons is coming.
Please slide to player > onlookers.

( 76 ) 2009/04/09(木) 01:15:02

Village_Mayor Walter

Everybody samurai sushi geisha♪
Beautiful fuji-yama ha-ha-ha♪

( 77 ) 2009/04/09(木) 01:16:10

Village_Mayor Walter

Capacity crowd ? (満員でもう入れない?)

( 78 ) 2009/04/09(木) 01:39:29

Village_Mayor Walter

I shall return, if free space is in time limit.

The 2nd and 3rd Walter will show up, if there are dark mind.

( 79 ) 2009/04/09(木) 01:50:31

Village_Mayor Walter が村を出て行きました。

12人目、Sister Fridel。

Sister Fridel

Good morning.
It's already a morning.

( 80 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:09:27

Sister Fridel


■1. Core time
■2. Time of provisional and final decision
final:PM 22:00
■3. About CO by voting
All OK.


( 81 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:19:34

仕立て屋 エルナ。(見物人)

( 82 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:21:05

仕立て屋 エルナ が村を出て行きました。

Tailor Erna。(見物人)

Tailor Erna

I’m MOBBY'S. Hi!

( 83 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:27:11

Tailor Erna

I'm broken OK?

tekitou OK?

( 84 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:41:05

Sister Fridel

Faa...I'm sleepy, may I be asleep?

( 85 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:45:40

( 86 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:46:29

Sister Fridel



( 87 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:47:21

Tailor Erna

I love you Sis.

Hey!tekitou many!many!

( 88 ) 2009/04/09(木) 02:58:05

Tailor Erna



( 89 ) 2009/04/09(木) 03:10:38

Shepherdess Katharina

Good Moring everybody.
In 282 village, player use BBS瓜、and onlokers use peti-BBS瓜.
So, it might be goot here.

( 90 ) 2009/04/09(木) 06:33:20

Shepherdess Katharina、sorry >>90,

( A3 ) 2009/04/09(木) 06:41:24

Shepherdess Katharina、sorry, >>90 onloks

( A4 ) 2009/04/09(木) 06:41:59

Shepherdess Katharina、sorry again. >>90 onlokerr → onlookers

( A5 ) 2009/04/09(木) 06:43:24

Shepherdess Katharina、Oh no, >>90 goot → good

( A6 ) 2009/04/09(木) 07:26:59

Farmer Jacob

I am pen!

( 91 ) 2009/04/09(木) 07:38:13

Farmer Jacob

■1 2 3 4
Vegitable !!!!!!!

( 92 ) 2009/04/09(木) 07:39:48

Littleboy Peter

You are doubt!

( 93 ) 2009/04/09(木) 07:50:18

Merchant Albin

Good morning!
Many people have already come here!

>>66 Katharina
Here you are! つ【silver bullet】

( 94 ) 2009/04/09(木) 07:52:57

Merchant Albin


( 95 ) 2009/04/09(木) 08:00:48

Farmer Jacob


GACHI☆ dabe〜

( 96 ) 2009/04/09(木) 08:26:24

Shepherdess Katharina

I agree with your opinion.

It's "Gati", I understand.

( 97 ) 2009/04/09(木) 08:47:04

Woundedsoldier Simon


( 98 ) 2009/04/09(木) 09:44:15

VillageGirl Pamela、I'll be a bird, flying, flying and dissapear...

( A7 ) 2009/04/09(木) 11:23:02

VillageGirl Pamela が村を出て行きました。






( #8 ) 2009/04/09(木) 11:45:50

Farmer Jacob


( 99 ) 2009/04/09(木) 11:49:35

Farmer Jacob

It is a lunchtime!!

っ【Pasta of Nicolas】
っ【Salad of avocado and tomato】
っ【Gratin of potato】

( 100 ) 2009/04/09(木) 12:27:11

( 101 ) 2009/04/09(木) 12:31:36

Shepherdess Katharina

I want to eat 1(3)

( 102 ) 2009/04/09(木) 12:33:01

Shepherdess Katharina

Pasta of Nicolas?

Is this edible?

( 103 ) 2009/04/09(木) 12:37:57

( 104 ) 2009/04/09(木) 12:53:25

Traveler Nicolas が村を出て行きました。

Onlooker Nicolas。(見物人)

Onlooker Nicolas

I'm home !

( 105 ) 2009/04/09(木) 12:55:44

Onlooker Nicolas

【Onlookers is FREEDAM !!】

I hope sride, BUT this is difficult.

( 106 ) 2009/04/09(木) 13:08:54

Shepherdess Katharina

I think it's better that your name is peti-Nicolas than Nicolas

( 107 ) 2009/04/09(木) 13:11:42

Merchant Albin

I want Pasta of Nicolas!

Nicolas tastes very good!

( 108 ) 2009/04/09(木) 13:22:39

Onlooker Nicolas

OH ! Thank !!

( 109 ) 2009/04/09(木) 13:28:52

Onlooker Nicolas は肩書きと名前を Onlooker petiーNicolas に変更しました。

Onlooker petiーNicolas


( 110 ) 2009/04/09(木) 13:34:01

Woodcutter Thomas が村を出て行きました。

Onlooker peti-Thomas。(見物人)

Onlooker peti-Thomas

Good morning!!

( 111 ) 2009/04/09(木) 13:42:36

Onlooker Erna。(見物人)

Onlooker Erna

Tailor Erna(見物人)で、入村しましたが…同IDでログイン出来ません。


( 112 ) 2009/04/09(木) 14:31:17

Onlooker Erna が村を出て行きました。

Tailor Erna が村を出て行きました。


Tailor Ernaさんをキックしましたよー。(痛くない程度に。

( #9 ) 2009/04/09(木) 14:52:46

Littleboy Peter

I eat Nicolas !

It is delicious !

( 113 ) 2009/04/09(木) 16:29:19

Onlooker peti-Thomas


>>113 Peter
Did you eat Nicolas!?Σ(゚Д゚;艸
Oh...!! Look, werewolf is here!!

( 114 ) 2009/04/09(木) 17:41:06

Onlooker peti-Thomas は肩書きと名前を Onlooker Thomas に変更しました。

Onlooker Thomas

I hope to join to villege too, but it is so difficult. Sorry.

UHO. Nice Nicolas.

( 115 ) 2009/04/09(木) 17:44:56

Onlooker Walter。(見物人)

Onlooker Walter

Please kick me, too.
I want the comfortable pain.

( 116 ) 2009/04/09(木) 17:49:14

Onlooker Thomas

OH! Strange man! Dangerous man!

Kick! Kick!

( 117 ) 2009/04/09(木) 17:51:51

Onlooker Walter

Hail 2 U !

Three. Say three wishes.
I will realize these.

( 118 ) 2009/04/09(木) 17:59:39

Onlooker Walter

Kick kick kick♪ kick and dash♪

( 119 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:03:39

Merchant Albin

Nicolas is one of the most delicious vegetables in the world!

( 120 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:07:02

Onlooker Walter

Hail 2 U !
I change Nicolas to vegetables.

Two. Say two wishes.
I will realize these.

( 121 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:11:22

Onlooker Thomas

Three wishes? Hum...
One, I want to marry.(Male,Female,etc. OK!)

I think last two wishes later.

( 122 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:28:35

Onlooker Walter

Hail 2 U !
Thomas and vegetables are made to marry.

One. Say one wish.
I will realize this.

( 123 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:35:25

Merchant Albin

I want to say 100 wishes!

( 124 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:37:09

Onlooker Walter

Hail 2 U !
I permit Albin to say 100 wishes.

Zero. I am released, since I has realized three wishes.
See you next. ha-ha-ha

( 125 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:43:50

baker Otto


see you!

( 126 ) 2009/04/09(木) 18:46:03

baker Otto が村を出て行きました。

Onlooker petiーNicolas


I'M Vegetable!!!!!!

( 127 ) 2009/04/09(木) 19:38:05

Farmer Jacob



( 128 ) 2009/04/09(木) 19:54:47

Farmer Jacob

「Hail 2 U !」ってなんかのスラングだべか?

( 129 ) 2009/04/09(木) 19:59:00

Onlooker petiーNicolas は肩書きと名前を Onlooker peti-Nicolas に変更しました。

Woundedsoldier Simon




( 130 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:05:39

Merchant Albin

>>129 Jacob

マジレスすると、Hail 2 UはHail to youの略で、君に幸あれ!という感じの意味になるよ。

( 131 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:09:59

Onlooker Walter

Hail 2 U → Hail to you

( 132 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:12:39

Farmer Jacob


( 133 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:15:28

Onlooker Walter、Merchant Albin>>131に、解説サンクス

( A8 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:16:02

Father Simson

There are many midgets!
So pretty!

( 134 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:27:33

Father Simson、hug the midgets.

( A9 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:28:27

Father Simson

I hope gather 16 people in the village.
Come on!

( 135 ) 2009/04/09(木) 20:46:38

Onlooker Walter

Should onlooker becomes player ! without me !

( 136 ) 2009/04/09(木) 21:15:39

Onlooker Walter

24 hours♪ Convenience store
Open always♪ Convenience store
Security camera♪ Convenience store

( 137 ) 2009/04/09(木) 21:22:05

Father Simson

I want an egg♪ One egg♪
I want an egg♪ Two eggs♪
I want an egg♪ Three eggs♪

It's Okay♪ Egg only?♪

( 138 ) 2009/04/09(木) 21:39:09

Onlooker Walter

Let's go to♪ convenience store
Let's go to♪ convenience store
Let's go to♪ convenience store

( 139 ) 2009/04/09(木) 21:50:38

Oldman Moritz

Are you happy?

( 140 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:09:33

Littleboy Peter

Yes we can !

( 141 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:12:24

Onlooker Walter

Yes, we can be happy, because we will. we will lock you♪

( 142 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:20:31

12人目、Baker Otto。

Baker Otto

Oh, there is peti-human!


( 143 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:26:54

Sister Fridel

It was defeated because of power.
S.H.I.T...The enemy is strong.

( 144 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:36:49

Father Simson

What's wrong,Fridel?

( 145 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:39:50

Sister Fridel


Don't Worry,Don't Worry...

( 146 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:39:56


Shepherdess Katharina

A Japanese man traveling in England.
One day he want to go to London.
Then he go to station and say at ticket counter
"to London please"
The station staff give him two tickets
"No, for London"
The staff give him four tickets
The staff give him eight tickets.

( 147 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:44:48



【開始は予定通り 4/10の23:00頃 に手動で開始】したいと思います。初日が30時間くらいになるのですよね。ちょい長い初日で良いでしょう。

( #10 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:46:40

Baker Otto

I think it's OK to use "Kanji" only for total table... but if you stick to English to the end, Pamela's method(>>21) will be better.
If possible, I'd like you to do daybreak at six o'clock, because my usually core time contains in the morning...

The answer of the questionnaire from Moritz is below.
■1. Irregular. Usually 6-7 in the morning, 21-23 in the evening.
■2. 22:00/23:00 if possible. Doing daybreak at 23:00, 22:00/22:30 is OK.
■3. Everything OK.
■4. I want to pack biscotti into the hole of the nose of sleeping Gerd...it's SECRET!

( 148 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:47:05

( 149 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:48:07

Sister Fridel

It is a material of JOJO.

( 150 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:50:17

Baker Otto

hmm... it's so funny!!

( 151 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:50:32

Shepherdess Katharina


so I answer to question again

■2. provisional 22:00 final 24:00

( 152 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:51:18

Father Simson

>>#10 Heaven's voice
I'm OK.
I'll do my best for victory.

( 153 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:53:28

Onlooker Walter

Holy shit !
Welcome new commer !

However I with light force and dark force am seen the most strongest.

( 154 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:55:03

Father Simson

>>150 Fridel
Oh, I see. I see.
Thank you for your explain.

( 155 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:55:06

Sister Fridel

OK,All right.

The update time is 23 o'clock. Is it good in 24 o'clock?

( 156 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:55:30

Baker Otto

Oh...such time already!
It's time to go to bed for tomorrow's breadmaking!

Good night♪

( 157 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:58:30

Sister Fridel

KOH-I-CHI-KU-N Please!

( 158 ) 2009/04/09(木) 22:59:23

Sister Fridel

>>157 Otto
Good night.See you again.

( 159 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:02:10

Shepherdess Katharina

My core time is 21-24. So if update time is 23 o'clock, I can't discuss enough.

( 160 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:02:34

Onlooker Thomas

Hi! there are many people! UHO!

>>#10 Heaven's voice
Then, I can join! Thank you!!!

( 161 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:03:49

Onlooker Thomas が村を出て行きました。

Shepherdess Katharina

Good night, Otto.

( 162 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:04:48

( 163 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:05:43

13人目、Woodcutter Thomas。

Woodcutter Thomas

UHO. Nice Guy!

( 164 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:05:47

Woodcutter Thomas

Oh...? I'm still petit. Aha?

( 165 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:07:18

Sister Fridel

>>160 Katharina
Oh...How should we do?
Please tell me,God...

( 166 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:07:25

Sister Fridel

>>164 Thomas

( 167 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:08:06

Woodcutter Thomas

>>163 Katharina
Thank you very much!

( 168 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:08:35

Father Simson、hit Thomas by Harisen. Are you love men? ((;・д・))  >>164

( A10 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:10:15

Shepherdess Katharina

You use 瓜BBSぷち character.
Player will use 瓜BBS character.
So please change your character.

( 169 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:10:32

Onlooker Walter

Hey, Thomas.

If you want big size, select upper from 2.

( 170 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:11:34

Woodcutter Thomas、Father Simson, Oops!! No, I'm bisexual!

( A11 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:11:48

Woodcutter Thomas

>>169 Katharina
Thank you. But, how to choose 瓜BBS character?
When I saw, there are only 瓜BBSぷち characters, may be.

( 171 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:14:05

Sister Fridel、Father Simson,There are eaves him.

( A12 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:14:27

Father Simson、hit Thomas by Harisen again and again. You must not approach!((;・д・))

( A13 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:14:37

Sister Fridel、↑act makes a mistake.He is protected.

( A14 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:17:21

Merchant Albin

Thomas,YA RA NA I KA?

Dieter said so.

( 172 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:18:09

Littleboy Peter

【Optimisd Gerd】

( 173 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:18:15

Sister Fridel

>>171 Thomas
瓜BBSぷち characters:Woodcutter Thomas→Onlooker Thomas
瓜BBS character:Participant

( 174 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:20:13

Woodcutter Thomas

>>170 Walter
Oh...? I'll try it! Thank you!!

I'm week to nice guy, so I follow him HOIHOI as invited...


( 175 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:20:27

Woodcutter Thomas が村を出て行きました。

Father Simson、kicked Thomas. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!((;・д・))

( A15 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:21:45

Sister Fridel



( 176 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:24:00

Littleboy Peter

Simson You are doubt !

You are liar. You love Thomas.i know.

( 177 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:24:02

13人目、Woodcutter Thomas。

Woodcutter Thomas

Uhhhh.... Restroom, Restroom!

( 178 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:24:03

Woodcutter Thomas、Thank you! I love you! Ya-ra-na-i-ka? >For all.

( A16 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:25:06

Merchant Albin

Simson has invited Thomas to YA RA NA I KA!

( 179 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:25:24

Sister Fridel、I'm sorry...It is not possible to endure it...!>NI-HO-N-GO-DE-OK.

( A17 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:26:45

Woodcutter Thomas、Father Simson, Don't worry, I am gentleman.

( A18 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:26:46

Littleboy Peter

Thomas You are doubt !

( 180 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:29:03

Sister Fridel


UHO...nice gay.

( 181 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:29:15

Merchant Albin

In prologue, we can speak Japanese!


( 182 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:29:47

Father Simson

>>181 Fridel
No. Peter is liar!
I don't love Thomas. I feel fear.((;・д・))

( 183 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:31:40

Woodcutter Thomas

>Sister Fridel
I sympathiz to you.

By the way, I think, I'll feel it troublesome to read the minutes...

( 184 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:32:31

Littleboy Peter

>>181 of course.

( 185 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:32:36

Onlooker Walter


( 186 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:33:10

Woodcutter Thomas

>>180 Peter
Why!?Σ(゚Д゚;艸 I'm very gentle!

( 187 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:33:25

Sister Fridel、Onlooker Walteris"gentleman named sexual deviate".

( A19 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:33:34

Father Simson

>>182 Albin
OK, but I try English all talk.
It's difficult,but I feel fun.

( 188 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:33:45

Littleboy Peter

You are doubt !

( 189 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:33:53

Littleboy Peter

I go to bed. Good night !

( 190 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:34:20

Woodcutter Thomas

Simson...There are no reason to be ashamed....
Come on. "YA-RA-NA-I-KA".

( 191 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:34:30

Woodcutter Thomas

>>190 Peter
Good night! Have a nice dreem!

( 192 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:35:42

Onlooker Walter

☆ Hey Fridel !
> "gentleman named sexual deviate"
Exactry !
I want to help you.
Will I make you a wax doll ?

( 193 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:37:32

Sister Fridel


...I'll save you.

( 194 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:38:07

Woodcutter Thomas

■1. My core time is not fixed. Sorry. But maybe 24-26 and 7-9, I'm Here.
■2. Coordinator, decide please!
■3. OK.

Sorry, I'm very sleepy.
I go to bed. Good night everyone!

( 195 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:44:13

Father Simson

I'm sleepy.
Good night, and see you again!

( 196 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:45:05

Sister Fridel

>>184 Thomas
Me too!!me too!!

>>185 peter
Oh Jesus!!

>>188 Simson
It agrees.

( 197 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:45:20

Librarian Clara

Oh, NO. To be late me.

( 198 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:46:23

Sister Fridel

Good night...♪

>>193 Walter
No thank you! No more SE-I-KI-MA-II!!

However, I love Your Excellency.

( 199 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:50:17

Merchant Albin

Clara, if you are onlooker, you shuould change the character(ぷちBBS) and your name!

Librarian Clara -> Onlooker Clara

( 200 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:52:26

Sister Fridel

Good night,Come see me again tomorrow...

>>198 Clara
Good evening.

( 201 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:54:02

Librarian Clara

mooo, Good bye

( 202 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:58:13

Librarian Clara が村を出て行きました。

Onlooker Walter

"Good night" to someone gone to bed.

>>199 No more SE-I-KI-MA-II
I see.

Oh, Clara has stood !

( 203 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:58:26

Sister Fridel


sister hooligan...!

( 204 ) 2009/04/09(木) 23:59:16

Sister Fridel

>>203 Walter
つ【However, I love Your Excellency.】

( 205 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:00:20

Sister Fridel


Good night,see you...♪

( 206 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:02:48

Onlooker Walter

>【However, I love Your Excellency.】
I see, I see.

I love all.
Love is all, and saves the world.
So, I save the world.

( 207 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:04:07

Shepherdess Katharina

I'm also sleepy.
Good night everyone, see you tomorrow.

( 208 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:04:38

Sister Fridel、Librarian Clara,and all,see you...

( A20 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:04:42

Sister Fridel、Onlooker Walter,wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww**

( A22 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:05:24

Merchant Albin


( 209 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:05:58

Merchant Albin

Good night!

( 210 ) 2009/04/10(金) 00:40:34

Shepherdess Katharina

Good morning.
Oh, it's nice idea.

( 211 ) 2009/04/10(金) 06:25:27

Farmer Jacob





( 212 ) 2009/04/10(金) 06:54:49

Baker Otto

Good morning♪

I've brought you bread and milk.
Here you are.

( 213 ) 2009/04/10(金) 07:15:26

Farmer Jacob




( 214 ) 2009/04/10(金) 07:21:48

Littleboy Peter

Good morning !

I eat breakfast.thank you Jacob & Otto.

This Nicolaos is delicious !

( 215 ) 2009/04/10(金) 07:45:51

Merchant Albin

Good morning!

Give me some French rolls!

Enter Nirvana!

( 216 ) 2009/04/10(金) 07:51:44

Littleboy Peter

Sing French rolls song !

( 217 ) 2009/04/10(金) 08:03:41

Father Simson

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty black birds
Baked in a pie.

Good morning!
I'm hungry. I'll take breakfast. See you next.

( 218 ) 2009/04/10(金) 08:33:31

( 219 ) 2009/04/10(金) 09:11:19

( 220 ) 2009/04/10(金) 09:34:07

Father Simson

>>219 Katharina
Yes, Mother Goose.

( 221 ) 2009/04/10(金) 09:39:21

Shepherdess Katharina

It is glad when coming by three another people.

( 222 ) 2009/04/10(金) 10:08:00

Onlooker Walter

Hey, everyone, good rhythm, good morning.

I look your living from wake-up to sleep-down.

( 223 ) 2009/04/10(金) 10:37:22

Onlooker Walter

Mother Goose is very good.
I want to give Simson one ZA-BU-TO-N.
Hey, YA-MA-DA-kun, please take in one ZA-BU-TO-N.

I like Humpty Dumpty.

( 224 ) 2009/04/10(金) 10:45:49

Woundedsoldier Simon

from wake-up to sleep-down > Lion?

( 225 ) 2009/04/10(金) 10:49:21

Onlooker Walter

>>225 Lion
Is Simon new-type???
This is NOT PA-KU-RI, this is hommage!!!

( 226 ) 2009/04/10(金) 11:02:35

Onlooker peti-Joachim。(見物人)

Onlooker peti-Joachim

I'm not YA-MA-DA-kun.
I will never work.Everyone is exaggerating.

( 227 ) 2009/04/10(金) 12:41:04

Onlooker Walter、Onlooker peti-Joachim"Hi, home guardian"

( A23 ) 2009/04/10(金) 12:54:17

Shepherdess Katharina

Time for something sweet to eat

( 228 ) 2009/04/10(金) 15:15:34

Onlooker Walter

OK I give all these.
1.[Non baked cheese cake]
2.[fish cake]
3.[yellow cake]
1.[100% Orange juice]
2.[70% Orange juice]
3.[tea of abbacchio]

I select 1(6)1(6)

( 229 ) 2009/04/10(金) 15:33:38

Onlooker Walter、MA-I-OOO!!!

( A24 ) 2009/04/10(金) 15:36:59

Merchant Albin

>>229 Walter
Yellow cake? Oh,no...
I never eat yellow cake! Never!

I wanna eat 4(6)!

( 230 ) 2009/04/10(金) 15:44:51

Merchant Albin

I wanna eat 3(3)!

( 231 ) 2009/04/10(金) 15:45:23

Merchant Albin

Why? Why do I get yellow cake???

( 232 ) 2009/04/10(金) 15:46:31


Shepherdess Katharina、I eat 1(2) and drink 3(3)

( A25 ) 2009/04/10(金) 15:54:32





( #11 ) 2009/04/10(金) 16:01:35

Onlooker Walter は肩書きと名前を Onlooker Peti-Walter に変更しました。

Onlooker Peti-Walter は肩書きと名前を Onlooker peti-Walter に変更しました。

Merchant Albin

Umm,I am thirsty.
I'd like to >>229 3(3)!

( 233 ) 2009/04/10(金) 16:04:24

Merchant Albin

Tea of abbacchio... Oh,no!

Walter,do you have something to drink?
つ【tea of abbacchio】

( 234 ) 2009/04/10(金) 16:07:52

Onlooker peti-Walter

Albin, 【tea of abbacchio】is taken in by Mr.Abbacchio.
So, I do not know how this tea was made.
If you want, I take green tea to you.

( 235 ) 2009/04/10(金) 16:14:13

Merchant Albin

I wanna a cup of green tea!

( 236 ) 2009/04/10(金) 16:24:53

Onlooker peti-Walter

Ok, I see.

I give green tea and green cake to Albin.

( 237 ) 2009/04/10(金) 16:28:05

Onlooker peti-Walter、Honey so sweet♪**

( A26 ) 2009/04/10(金) 17:20:00

Farmer Jacob


っ【Nicolas tea】

( 238 ) 2009/04/10(金) 17:38:57

14人目、Librarian Clara。

Librarian Clara


( 239 ) 2009/04/10(金) 17:58:58

Merchant Albin

Oh, Nicolas tea!

I love it!!!

( 240 ) 2009/04/10(金) 18:04:52

Merchant Albin

Good evening!

I wanna something delicious.
Umm,Nicolas tastes very good!

( 241 ) 2009/04/10(金) 19:41:04

Oldman Moritz

Fo fo fo.

It starts soon.
Where is Liza? Is she okay? A little bit worry...

( 242 ) 2009/04/10(金) 20:19:05

15人目、Traveler Nicolas。

Traveler Nicolas

Good evening my sweets!!!

( 243 ) 2009/04/10(金) 20:29:17

Oldman Moritz

>>239 Chinese women has come!

Still two people are hoped!

( 244 ) 2009/04/10(金) 20:29:59

Oldman Moritz

Σ Green vegetable has come!

Still one person is hoped!

( 245 ) 2009/04/10(金) 20:32:38

Traveler Nicolas

My main is"Cruppo-."
so...I use words,by my"soul"!!!!

mou dame po wwwwww

( 246 ) 2009/04/10(金) 20:41:15

Merchant Albin

Oh,very delicious vegetable has come here!

( 247 ) 2009/04/10(金) 20:45:28

Merchant Albin

Now, there are 15 villagers in this village!

Who is the last villager?

Come on!

( 248 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:12:20

Shepherdess Katharina

One person is hoped!

( 249 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:14:56

Traveler Nicolas

Because peti is vegetable,I am very very bigvegetable...you see?

I will go hereー,
■ all OK!!

( 250 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:18:17

Shepherdess Katharina

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 One person is hoped!

( 251 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:18:20

Littleboy Peter

Hi ! My name is Peter.

I like Nicolas. It is delicious vagitable.

( 252 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:26:25

Littleboy Peter

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 One person is hoped!

( 253 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:27:00

Littleboy Peter


( 254 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:34:16

Onlooker peti-Gerd。(見物人)

Onlooker peti-Gerd

It's yogurt?

No.It's Kefir.

( 255 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:34:42

Traveler Nicolas

Hi!! uho

I hope the last man,too!!!
Last man! last lady! last boy or girl...
Come hereー!!

( 256 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:35:03

Traveler Nicolas、go away.

( A27 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:36:18

Traveler Nicolas、go away.**

( A28 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:36:35

Baker Otto


When did Nicholas become the vegetables in ?

( 257 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:36:37

Onlooker peti-Gerd


The request is answered,Peter.

But,peti-Gerd is necessary for the village.

( 258 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:38:31

Onlooker peti-Gerd

So I cannot change my character.

( 259 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:41:12

Woundedsoldier Simon

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 One BIG person is hoped!

( 260 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:43:34

Onlooker peti-Gerd

I hope Freemasons come,too.

( 261 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:43:45

Woundedsoldier Simon、peti-Gerd, welcome to our village!

( A29 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:45:57

Littleboy Peter

>>257 a long long time a go, Nicolas born by vegetable.

>>258 You are doubt ! We have Gerd. We have food. Gerd & Nicolas !

( 262 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:47:12

Oldman Moritz

  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 One more! One more!

( 263 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:47:35

Baker Otto、peti-Gerd, welcome to our village♪

( A30 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:48:12

Baker Otto

Well... so for him, original was a green vegetable.
At least if it's not a carrot.

( 264 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:49:42

Onlooker peti-Gerd

I also hope the big person comes.
When I grow, Gerd is gone.
It's against my principles to Gert comes off.

( 265 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:51:31

Merchant Albin

Come on, last person!

( 266 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:52:14

Baker Otto


>>We have Gerd. We have food. Gerd & Nicolas !
It's a terrible wolf remark!!

( 267 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:55:08



  _  ∩
( ゚∀゚)彡 Come on! Come on!

Onlookers の方々は墓下を盛上げておいて下さいね。

Littlegirl Lizaさんは大丈夫でしょうかね。ちょっと心配ですね。

( #12 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:56:03

( 268 ) 2009/04/10(金) 21:59:58

Onlooker peti-Gerd

Simon,Otto,thank you for the welcome.

But, who do you peti-Gerd if I am gone?

Gerd who doesn't talk is a free dummy.

( 269 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:00:09

Father Simson

Nicolas, are you vegetable?

( 270 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:01:19

Onlooker peti-Gerd

The theory street is safe here.

It has a hard time explaining when making a display of one's eccentricity.

( 271 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:03:23

Onlooker peti-Gerd

English is very convenient.
Because contents are not understood from inside person.
(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


( 272 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:10:31

( 273 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:10:44

Baker Otto

I think so, too!!! :P

( 274 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:11:41

Woundedsoldier Simon


( 275 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:11:41

Onlooker peti-Gerd

I am a vegetarian.
The carrot in this country is very delicious.

( 276 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:11:47

Baker Otto>>#12 OK, I see.

( A31 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:13:20

Father Simson

>>#12 Heaven's voice
I see.

>>272 peti-Gerd
I think so too.

( 277 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:14:52

Onlooker peti-Gerd

I understood.

( 278 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:15:27

Shepherdess Katharina、Onlooker peti-Gerd, >>272 ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ

( A32 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:15:44

Oldman Moritz

Pretending of inside person is also very difficult!

( 279 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:18:50

Onlooker peti-Walter

Anyone does not exist inside person.

( 280 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:20:14

Littleboy Peter、Onlooker peti-WalterSURAIDO?

( A33 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:21:22

Shepherdess Katharina

I also think so.

( 281 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:24:56

Onlooker peti-Gerd、Shepherdess Katharina( ( (((_凵Q) slip

( A34 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:25:12

Onlooker peti-Gerd、|O=(-ω-;)),,lumbered to its feet,,

( A35 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:28:51

Sister Fridel

you are doubt!

( 282 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:31:46

Sister Fridel


( 283 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:33:41

Onlooker peti-Gerd

>>282Sister Fridel
Who is doubt?

( 284 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:34:53

Onlooker peti-Gerd

Freemasons doesn't come.

( 285 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:36:14

Father Simson、hug peti-Gerd.

( A36 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:37:21

Oldman Moritz

>>285 peti-Gerd
Thirty minutes remaining!

( 286 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:38:28

Onlooker peti-Gerd

No Freemasons,Werewolf×3?
It't very interesting.

( 287 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:39:05

Onlooker peti-Walter、Littleboy Peter SURAIDO? 初回吊りを村長にしてくれるならスライドしても良し

( A37 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:39:29

Shepherdess Katharina

It is not necessity that player is exist on update time

( 288 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:39:29

Littleboy Peter、Onlooker peti-Walterthis village GATI !

( A38 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:41:09

Onlooker peti-Gerd

No Freemasons,Werewolf×3?
It's very interesting.

Sorry, misspelling.

( 289 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:41:30

Shepherdess Katharina

necessity → necessary

( 290 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:43:00

Shepherdess Katharina

One more person please.

( 291 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:43:49

Father Simson

I am short of cream paffs.
Give me cream paffs!

( 292 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:45:33

Onlooker peti-Gerd

Gachi concealed in material.

Aim!Best of the talkative.

Silent PL is hanging!▼silent!▼silent!

( 293 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:47:17

Merchant Albin

If I were a merchant, I will get one villager!

( 294 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:47:34

Woundedsoldier Simon


( 295 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:48:44

Sister Fridel


Thanks...I LOVE YOU!

( 296 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:49:04

Father Simson

No retreat, no flirting, no looking back.
Come on! Let's see what you've got!

( 297 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:50:04

Merchant Albin

It's 22:50!

( 298 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:50:53

Sister Fridel




( 299 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:51:28

Woundedsoldier Simon

It's 22:51!

( 300 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:52:03

Woundedsoldier Simon、I failed. orz

( A39 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:53:18

( 301 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:53:36

Shepherdess Katharina

We can use Japanese in monologue

( 302 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:54:23

Merchant Albin

>>300 Simon
You got 300!

( 303 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:55:19

Littleboy Peter

Fridel love Katharina.

Simson love Thomas.

I understand.

( 304 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:55:36

Woundedsoldier Simon


( 305 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:55:49

Shepherdess Katharina

In few minutes, it becomes time for looking glass

( 306 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:56:27

Merchant Albin

My favorite vegetable is Nicolas!

( 307 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:56:54

Onlooker peti-Nicolas

At Hit Ly!!!!

( 308 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:57:01

Father Simson、kicked Peter. (゚Д゚#)

( A40 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:57:12

Woundedsoldier Simon、ユーアーダウト!

( A41 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:57:33

Sister Fridel


( 309 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:58:11

Littleboy Peter、Father Simsonsmil smil smil :)

( A42 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:58:19

Onlooker peti-Gerd


( 310 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:58:22

Merchant Albin


( 311 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:58:25

Father Simson


( 312 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:58:55

Onlooker peti-Nicolas


( 313 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:59:22

Sister Fridel

私も ニコラスが 大好き です (野菜的な意味で

( 314 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:59:38

Woundedsoldier Simon


( 315 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:59:51

Onlooker peti-Walter、がっ!

( A43 ) 2009/04/10(金) 22:59:53

( 316 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:00:15

Merchant Albin

It's already 23:00!

( 317 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:00:53

Littleboy Peter

Master sleeping ?

( 318 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:01:17

Father Simson

>>318 Peter
Maybe yes, maybe no.

( 319 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:02:31

Onlooker peti-Gerd

Is it a manual start?

( 320 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:02:37

( 321 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:02:46

( 322 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:03:34

Onlooker peti-Gerd

The morning doesn't dawn.

( 323 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:03:51

Littleboy Peter

>>320 yes manual start. autmatic start am6:00.

( 324 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:04:10

Littleboy Peter

I go to bath. in to bubble .buku-buku.

( 325 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:04:46



>>310 peti-Gerdさん

( #13 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:05:32

Traveler Nicolas

Hello,my dear!dear!
God said,if he is sleeping ,start is AM6:00?

( 326 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:06:24

( 327 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:06:34

Onlooker peti-Gerd


( 328 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:07:24

Sister Fridel


( 329 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:08:00

Traveler Nicolas

All OKyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

( 330 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:08:03

Father Simson

>>#13 Heaven's voice
OK. I'm OK!

( 331 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:08:44


>>328 了解ですー。




( #14 ) 2009/04/10(金) 23:11:09

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 7日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新



← ↓ ■ □ フィルタ

生存者 (15)

Optimist Gerd
1回 残1500pt
Merchant Albin
44回 残1110pt
Farmer Jacob
18回 残1420pt
Oldman Moritz
12回 残1379pt
Littleboy Peter
25回 残1292pt
Rascal Dieter
2回 残1500pt
Father Simson
21回 残1311pt
Littlegirl Liza
1回 残1500pt
Shepherdess Katharina
37回 残1140pt
Woundedsoldier Simon
13回 残1357pt
Sister Fridel
31回 残1355pt
Baker Otto
9回 残1390pt
Woodcutter Thomas
6回 残1500pt
Librarian Clara
1回 残1500pt
Traveler Nicolas
6回 残1392pt

犠牲者 (0)

処刑者 (0)

突然死者 (0)

見物人 (4)

Onlooker peti-Nicolas
7回 残1460pt
Onlooker peti-Walter
24回 残1336pt
Onlooker peti-Joachim
1回 残1500pt
Onlooker peti-Gerd
20回 残1065pt

退去者 (0)




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